Chapter 10: Just Hold Me

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Tupac P.O.V

We eventually made it back to the house. The whole car ride was silent. I looked at my watch and it was 6:45. I open the car door and Liyah came around to help me put I stopped her.

"I got it." I said irriated. My mind is still on the fact that she doesn't trust me enough to tell me about her live. I trust her though but she doesnt feel the same about me.I guess. What is it about me that makes her not to trust me?

She frowed he eyebrows "Iight ." She said lowly. She nodded her head and open the trunk to get her suitcases. I grapped her backpack and rolled her other suitcase to the door. She opened the door and we walked in. She took her suitcases up stairs to the guess room. I walked upstairs behind her and went to my room. I went to my bathroom and took a 5min shower. I used my axe wash. This ish smell hella good. I got out and put on my basketball shorts on. Then I lotion my body. I examined my back in the mirror. "Mmm I should get a new tattoo." I said to myself. I replace my badages on the parts I got surgery on. I grabbed my corset player and notebook and sat on my bed.

Aaliyah P.O.V

I walked to the guess room and started to put my clothes away. I put all my pictures onto the long mirror that by my dresser. I think Pac is still irritated with me. And I can understand why. I dont know if I really trust him enough. I don't know. Me and my family been through to much with rappers. I can't. I could've told him better than what happen today. Also I'm been lied too. I cant belive Kelly would do something like that. He is serious the devil in person. I want to know what did my father do to deserve that, or did my mama do anything. I want answers. But I wish she was still here. I didn't realize I started crying. I wiped my tears. My life just been to much for me. I'm ONLY 15 not a fucking adult. I went to the phone that's in my room and called Missy. I need her advice. After about 3 rings she picked up.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hey Missy." I sniff.

"Babygirl whats wrong?" She asked concerned.

"To much shit happen today. That I wished it didnt happen."

"Tell me what happen." I told her what happen. it took 3 minutes to explain.

"Now Pac is mad at me." I shook my head.

"Why he mad?"

"Cause I didnt tell him before. And he said I keep saying 'I'll tell him later' but I never do." I rubbed my forhead. " I don't know what to do missy."

"Go talk to him."

"What if he doesnt listen to me?"

"He loves you to much to not listen." she said as she ate some chips. My eyes widen.

"Wait what do you mean he loves me to much?"

"Oops I said to much." she whispered to herself.

"No, Tell me how do you know."

She sighed and slapped her hand on her head. " Pac called me like a month ago saying how he loves you and doesnt know how to tell you. and he doesnt know if you love him back." She said nonchalantly.

I was so speechless. I didn't know he LOVES me. I mean love is a strong word like Hate is a strong word.

"Hello babygirl you still there?"

I shook my head "Yeah I'm still here."

"Go talk to him. But dont bring this up. If u do don't mention me. Ok?"

"Iight Missy.

"Love you babygirl."

"Love you too" I made a kissy sound.

Poetic Justice  :Aaliyah and Tupac "2pac" fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang