blue magic

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Kuroko prov ~~

After having a ..... Interesting... incounter with a new class mate ( aomine ) the home room teacher finally arrives to class late.

" hello everyone! Sorry I'm late . " she says rushing through the door with piles of papers in her hands. "I'm your new homeroom teacher Miss.shiro ." she kind of shouts while quickly writing her name on the whitbored behind her.

After a few akaward moment of her frantic search to find the register , she adventurly gets it out from under a pile of old test papers .

" is.... Aomine here? " she says starting to read names out.

" yeah miss. " Aomine lazily replied back and yawns .

" is akashi here? "

" yes Miss. Shiro " a red headed boy replies in a formal tone.

"Is ...blah blah blah blah blah ." OK she didn't actually say that , but yeah after that I didn't really pay attention.

Outside the window it looks sunny and I looked at some student rushing through the school gates, they must have got lost. One of them caught my attention . he had bright blonde \ yellow hair. He looked like a very sporty build. But I felt like u have seen him before some where?

But I finally heard my name called.

" Is kuroko here?" Miss. Shiro said for the second time.

" ermmm ... Yes I'm here. " I replied still thinking about the blonde hair boy.

" I said. I kuroko here? " she said getting angery this time.

" yes I'm here miss.shiro " I replied louder .

" waaaaah! "The whole class jumped in surprise when they all saw me.

" kuroko please don't scare us like that." Miss. Shiro said blushing out of embarrassment.

I heard some student in the class whispering about me, but I don't care. I can't control my mis-direction .

( author note~~~
I know at the start of middle school kuroko actually hasn't learnt mis-direction yet but it makes the story more interesting so yeah.... ( •\\0\\•) )

Skip to lunch time ~~~

At first I didn't hear the bell go as I'm still looking out the window. So everyone is gone.

I was looking at student eating lunch together on the grounds. I wonder what it's like to belong in a group of friends? I have never actually had friends. Although no one would care for a shadow like me.

" hey. " I heard a voice .

" hello? " I said turning to look at them. Oh its aomine .

" what's up? " hes asks while pulling up a chair to my desk.

" nothing " I say feeling slightly suspicious .

" hey how do you do that cool magic trick? "

"..... excuse me? "

" you know. The disappearing thing. " he replies.

" I don't know what your talking about. " feeling slightly annoyed I replied.

Does he think it's funny or something. Not that I hate it... but it can be really anoying when I can't control it. And I don't like it when people ask me about it, I has always been this way.

" now if you don't mind I have to go. " I say quickly getting up and walking quickly out the class room. Why can't he just talk to me about normal stuff , not my wired 'magic ' as he calls it.

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