chapter eighteen // city lights.

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(a/n: blah enjoy chapter eighteen babes, and comment something abt the story please)

wanker: i know that you're upset and i don't know why, but can you please come back home? im worried.. (A/N: LOL I DIDN'T WANT TO HAVE HIS CONTACT NAME AS JUST 'CALUM' SO UM...)

another text from calum.

so this is what happened: i woke up feeling super upset for some odd reason. i thought it would go away, but it wouldn't, i felt as if i would become depressed again, and i just had to leave the house to think, before calum got home from lukes house and i've been sitting in some random cafe ever since, just thinking.

and it was quite obvious that i didn't want calum with me at the moment, i needed to be alone for once.

was it wrong of me to make him worry? yes. did i feel bad? yes. but i just wanted to get away from the world, if that makes any type of sense.

i exited the cafe after sitting there, thinking for hours. i walked around the city, amazed at how pretty it looked at night with all of the building lights on.

"there you are!" a voice startled me, i turned around to see calum, almost close to tears.

i want to be alone.

"yeah, here i am, you found me."

"ella i was so worried im so glad you're okay." he says before embracing me.

i started to cry, i didn't mean to, it sort of just happened. i guess i just wanted to know that somebody was there for me, somebody cared for me, somebody walked around for hours trying to find me, im important to somebody.

calum pulled away from me and said, "hey, what's wrong?"

we sat down onto a nearby bench and i just poured my feelings out.

i told him how i felt lonely, how i wanted to be dead, how i wanted to go back to cutting myself, how i was turning into the old me.

he comforted me, told me it was all going to be okay, hugged me, cried with me, but most importantly, cared for me.

we stood up and i still couldn't bring myself to stop crying.

"no more tears." calum said while taking his thumb and wiping away my tears.

he then cupped my face into both of his hands and kissed me, this kiss felt different, it felt like we were both wanting it, like we've been wanting it forever, it felt just like a first kiss would feel, but only better.


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