chapter four // good friend.

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(a/n: hey let me know how the story is going so far bc im a terrible writer and i don't know how to feel about it hah, enjoy chapter four babes)

upset. calum was upset.

now, i didn't know why, but i could tell. he didn't want to eat, he didn't have that cute smile on his face, and his responses are usually just one to two words.

did i bother asking why he was so upset? no. because i didn't want to seem too.. nosy. i mean i only met him one week ago, i didn't expect him to tell me everything. but was i going to ask him? yes.

"calum, you seem upset, is something wrong?" i ask him, sitting down next to him on the couch.

"hannah broke up with me, we've been dating for nearly three years. can you believe that? three years gone into the trash. and it's not only that, that upsets me, it's the fact that she left me for someone else, for someone who was physically there for her." he told me, beginning to tear.

"aw calum, please don't cry, it'll make me cry." i say, wiping away his tears with my thumb.

"she was my everything, she understood me and she's the first girl that i truly loved, she didn't judge me, and she was just so amazing, i couldn't ask for more." he said, crying hysterically.

"she just wasn't the one. everyone in stories and movies talks about how there's always 'the one', she wasn't the one for you. she doesn't see how good she had it and she has no idea what she's missing out on calum. you'll find someone, forget about her, she didn't deserve you anyways." i tell him before giving him a long hug and allowing him to cry on my shoulder.

"thank you so much ella, i can't thank you enough for making me feel the least bit better about everything, you're a really good friend." he said while smiling and sniffling.

"anytime, im always here, remember that." i reassure him.

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