The Welcome Party

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No, no no no no. Why?

Don dug his claws into the plane more, but that made sheets of metal peel off like dead skin.

Shit shit shit shit shit! I'm dead!

Then the F-14 Tomcat started to spin out of control, and Don could here the pilot struggling.

"I can't detach! I repeat, I cannot detach!"

That was when Don closed his eyes and breathed slowly.

Time to be a hero.

Then he opened his eyes and started to crawl on the top of the plane.

"He's on my right wing Alfa Dog!"

The Don dug his claws around the metal frame of the cot pit pulled the the glass right off.

"Somebody help me!"

The Don went by his seat and pulled the lever and he went flying up. Nearly hitting Don in the face.

As Don watched the man's parachute pop up he felt all warm and fuzzy inside. It felt nice.

I wish this feeling could last forever.

Then a hot boiling heat Don in the back, mocking him forward and doing a belly flop into the ocean, have a burn that felt like an iron was diving into his skin.

'Kill them, KILL THEM ALL!'

You don't need to tell me twice.

Don turned around and spreader his wings and used all his force to push himself back up.

The water slipped off his skin and scales like butter.

When he reached the sky and looked down he saw ten tanks on the beach, aiming right at him.

"Let's give them a welcome home present."

Don went straight down to the closest tank.

Then Don heard a big boom and seeing the end of the tanks barrel get covered with white smoke with a something poking out that looked like a bullet, spiraling towards him.

Don smiled as he went closer and closer to the bullet.


Then Don moved to the right while getting a grip in the point and through it back with more force.

At contact of the tanks metal surface it turned into a black infurno, picking up sand all around it, slowly turning into glass from the fire.

Then Don landed in the fire, feeling nothing but frozen in a winter storm as the sand come down like rain.

"I need to feel pain."

Don felt the cold stinging him hard to the bone.

Then Don ran out to the next tank.

It fired and Don froze in its path. But it never hit him, never touched his scales. Instead it flow right through him.


Don ran at the tank again and ripe the barrel of the tank.


Then Don jumped on top and blow fire at the cover, making the metal melt off and turning into liquid.

Ammedeatly machine guns stared to fire from inside.

This mad Don boil up inside.

"YOU DON'T GET IT!"said Don as he jumped inside."I CAN'T DIE!"

Then tor a gun out of someone's hand and shot everyone in the face.

'Don please stop...'

Go to hell, this world needs a devil to tell them that the world is not what it was. It's different, it's...

'It's what?'

My torture champer. My Masters world.

'No, no. They got to you.'

Don jumped out of the tank, extending his wings to make him look taller and stronger.

"No they didn't dumb ass. I realized why should I be the only one to suffer when it should be them. "

Then out of the smoke, Don saw Kati.

"Donatello, what are you doing?"

Don felt weird inside.

"Kati, I think you know."

Kati went in a fighting position.

"That's why I have to stop you."

Don smiled.

"Let me guess, Raph and Mikey are going to rap me in chains and you are the destraction."

"Don it's for the best."

Then the rest of the tanks surrounding him in a giant circle.

Next thing Don notices Sarah walked up to him.

"Go on, I'm done with my fun, make me weak and feel pain."

Sarah placed to of her fingers on Don's neck.

Don felt his heart beating slower, his knees shaking and hands sweating, but Don had a smile on his face as he feel to the ground and seeing nothing but black.

TMNT Hiding Horror (Season 4)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora