Lonely Room

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Don woke up, feeling cold all over his body. His body was shivering crazy and he can see that he was Takashi's form.

"Where I'm I?"

Don felt the floor, feeling smooth, slipper, some what sticky, and freezing cold.


Don slowly got more feeling in his back, feeling a thousand sharp cold knives all over.

Don moved away, feeling slightly warmer.

He turned around to see a wall of ice.

"Where am I?"

Don stood up but hit his head on something hard. He kneeled back down down looked up, seeing an ice ceiling.

"Why am I in a ice box? None of this makes since. The last thing I remember was..."

Don stopped when the ringing came back, as if it was trying to blow up his ears.

Someone help me. I need help.

But Don couldn't shake off the fact that he was in a room alone with the high pitch ring exploding his ears.

This is a lonely room for a monster like me.

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