Always Being Followed

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Don walked for miles and miles, still no sign of life, just sand, the sun and himself with Takashi.

Don looked up at the sky, seeing that sun was in the middle.

"It's around twelve pm, what should I do?"

'Wait, look over there.'

Don looked down at the horizon and saw something.

"Buildings. Civilization."

Don walked faster towards the buildings.

Shade, water, rest.

As he got closer, the more detail showed. There were four, two of them were three stores, the other one was four, and the other one was one. Each building two cloth lines, holding up white fabric. In the middle of the buildings was a small circle stone wall with four poles holding up a piece of metal over the stone wall, a well. But there was no sign of life, no sign that anyone has been there for years.

Don stopped when he was right by the one story building.

"Still alone I guess, with Takashi."

Don walked to the well and looked down, seeing a long way down of darkness.

Then he heard something that was behind him.

He spun around and saw Emily and Kati.

"What the hell, were did you come from!"

Emily took a step closer to Don.

"We were back up, but it has been days and Mike still didn't give us the signal."A tear fell down her cheek."I'm fear the worst."

Kati patted Emily's back then looked at Don.

"We tracked you and found you in the Sahara. What the heck happened?"

Let me show you.

Don took off his cloak and turned around, showing them the bandages which were covered with red.

"Let's just say me and Raph are even."

"What did he do to your back, were's your shell?"

Don used his index finger to cut the bandages off and showed the the word.

He looked down at the ground and closed his eyes.

He felt a soft hand outlining the lines.

"Monster."said Kati.

Don turned around to face them and opened his eyes.

He smiled.

"No ones perfect."

Emily hugged Don, but he didn't hug back because he saw another person behind them. They were wearing long black pants and black and blue tenne shoes with a dark blue jacket and a white shirt. The also had black leathered gloves with small spikes on the nuckles.

Emily pushed away and followed his eyes.

"Oh, you never meet her. She is Sarah, Leo's girlfriend."

Sarah stepped out of the shadows and pulled down her hood. She had long blonde hair in a high pony tail, she had blue eyes and tan skin.

"Sarah this is..."

"I know how the f*cking b*stered is Em's."

Emily stepped away from Don when Sarah ran to Don.

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