Chapter 15

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Angie in the mm
Some of the party decorations

Nyla pov

I woke up with the worst headache ever, guess I really did whoop some ass last night. I could smell food so I already knew August was there since he wasn't here. I drug my body out of bed and went to the kitchen. I got only 6 hrs of sleep so I might be cranky for a while. "good morning yall." they looked at me. "good morning." Kay and Mya walked up to me and hugged me but Chay just sat in her seat looking mad. "good morning Chay." she looked up at me then looked back down. "good morning auntie." I smiled and sat down. then mama came with the food and everyone started eating. "so August and Nyla how was the party last night?" Mama said. Chandra eyed me. August looked at me then busted out laughing. "what's funny August?" Chandra said. "ask Nyla what happened." Chandra looked at me and then sighed. "what happened?" "Nothing." August laughed "oh since she won't tell u I will. basically we all went there and was dancing, Nyla was saying that she wasn't going to fight Sammy as long as she ain't say no slick shit. when we went to the dance floor she was dancing with Jerome and then Samantha walked up talking some mess then she called Nyla a hoe. Nyla said I'm Tryna save ta life and mess so stop calling me outta my name. Sammy did it again so Nyla punched her in her face an Samantha stumbled back a little and then stood back up. she started saying that Nyla punch was a punk ass move and she said that she could do better so Nyla said try her and that's when Samantha tried throwing a punch but it missed Nyla and Nyla swung and hit her then kept going in on her. Samantha fell and Nyla went down with her cuz she was trying to get her hits in. Nyla kept on punching Samantha till we started to lift her off of her cuz by then there was a whole bunch of blood on the girl. but she was good for the most part, they just said that she threw up a few times but that's what she get." mama was looking at me like I was crazy and so was Chandra. "um girls yall go eat in the living room and don't make a mess on Nyla's carpets." Chandra said and they all got up one by one and left. "are you fucking crazy Nyla u could have killed her? U trying to make a music career and get to your happiness but sitting there beating up chicks, for what over some dumb little boy that's probably only playing you. I thought I taught u better than to be doing things like that. how u going to try and be happy with ur life when u doing stupid shit like that?" Mama said. i sighed and got up and walked to my room and grabbed the cd from last night, then went back. "whoever said I was really happy? At least not till recently, u want to know what I really did to that girl. what August said was only psychically not the mental, u want the mental listen to this." I opened the CD player I had at the lamp table and put it in then began playing it. as I listened to it again I began crying again. mama and Chandra was staring at me like August and Khaled was yesterday, with sorrow in their eyes, then the song stopped. "before u ever try saying anything, figure out the full story." I yelled then got the cd and went to my room. I sat on my bed and pulled out my phone and replayed that song over and over and over again. There was a knock at the door during the 8th playing. "come in unless u just trying to start some shit." the door opened and in came chay, Kay and mya. they sat on my bed and stopped the music. "Aunty are u ok?" Kay asked and I smiled at her. "Yes, I am." she smiled and hugged me then left out. "Aunty are u happy?" Chay asked. I laughed. "i don't know yet." she hugged me then left out. i don't know what the hell is going on but I feel like they were put up to it. "Aunty do u love us, all of us?" Mya said and looked in my eyes. "of course I do and I always will." she smiled then hugged me and left. I sighed then started the music again. I got up and went to the shower. I got in and tried to relax. Whenever I use scorching hot water it helps calm my nerves, and right now it was really working. I got out and decided to air dry. I lotioned my body then went in my room to dress. the graduation starts in 3 hours but every senior was supposed to be there at 1:30. I put on my undergarments, then went in and got one of the dresses I bought yesterday. It was a white dress that had about 4 slits on the stomach area. I wore my peach colored red bottoms and my gold chain that said "I love my mom" on it and a gold bracelet with diamond stud earrings. I did light eyeshadow and some liner and mascara. I put on a nude lipgloss and grabbed my cap and gown. I walked to the living room to try and find my car keys to my Range Rover. I looked over and seen August dangling them in the air, I grabbed them and straighten up the pillows. "You look beautiful Nyla." I smiled at him. "thanks. u look nice." he smirked. "well u know I barely got to try." I laughed. "ur so fucking cocky." then mama and Chandra walked in and I was about to walk out but August grabbed my hand. "you can't run from everything." I sighed then looked at the time. it was 12:25 so we still had time. I sat in the white chair the was by itself. "Nyla can I say something?" Mama said. "I mean then again it is your mouth, say what u chose to." she sighed. "look I apologize for running straight to conclusions and trying to find a way to punish u without trying to figure out what was the real reason why u did what u did. I can tell that ur mental state is different than it was before. I'm glad that u got all of ur feelings out and can live a better life now." she said and Chandra nodded. I just sighed. "yah thanks but umm some of my friends about to be over here so we'll talk later." they nodded and turned on the tv. the door been had rang and I went to go open it. "wassup yall." I said letting them in. it was the whole grew as usual. I walked them to the living room while they say but Jerome pulled me in and starts kissing me deeply and was about to start moving his hand until I pulled away. "my mother is sitting right there on the couch." I whispered. We both looked back but everyone was already staring at us. "um Jerome u can sit." I said and he sat down. "um Chandra and momma this is Jerome, Tyler and Tyree. u already know Jenni, gabby, and angie." they nodded "Nice to meet yall Chandra said to them and they nodded. momma just stared at Jerome with a stank face and he awkwardly cleared his throat. Chandra got up and pulled down her dress and stood beside me. "he's cute child, only if I was young again." I laughed. "yah ok." I went to go sit and sat on Jeromes lap. momma got up and pulled me off him and to the seat next to her. "who is he to u?" She whispered. "my boyfriend." she sighed. "what did I tell u bout hoping from boy to boy. Sooner or later they going to start calling u a hoe." I sighed. "I know, if it doesn't work with him im not going to date for about a year or so." she nodded. "that's good but I don't want u sitting in his lap, especially with that dress on." she got up and walked out. "so yall niggas ready?" Jenni yelled. "hell yah." I said causing everyone to laugh. "I can't wait for that senior party tonight that they having, heard with the planner it was gonna be hype." Angie said and me and August just looked confused. "Who's hosting?" They all looked at each other then shrugged. "we don't know." I know they lying but I'mma leave it alone. "Yo yall niggas want something from the kitchen?" They all looked at each other then back at me. "you already know bitch." Angie said. "whatever hoe." I got up and began pulling down my dress walking to the kitchen. while I was walking out somebody slapped my ass but I know it wasn't Jerome cause he was at the other end of the room. I turned around just to see Angie sitting there with a smirk. "You look cute today ma." she said and I smiled. "u already know it." I said all cocky and we both laughed. "ay Angie keep your hands off my girl, just cuz u turn both ways doesn't mean I want mines the same." Jerome said staring at her. Angie was somewhat bisexual but she never dated girls. all she ever did was make out was girls and sometimes sex but that's about it. she has tried with me before and I ain't gonna even lie sometimes I let her just out of curiosity but that really ain't my thing. we do something together every once in a while but not no everyday thing. All I did was smirk at her then walk out. nobody knows about what we do together but I do know that her and Jenni be together cuz they both told me, that's our little secret. I went in the kitchen and got 8 bags of hot fries. I swear they all loved them things that's y I keep an endless supply. I went back and handed it to them. I sat on Jerome's lap while he rubbed my thighs eating his chips. "Watch ur hands, I'm wearing white Jerome." I said and he laughed. "alright bae I'm sorry." I got up and sat in between Angie and Jenni. That really did piss me off but it's whatever at the moment. Angie was just staring at me but I just looked away and shook it off.

August and Nyla: are we just best friends(book 1)Where stories live. Discover now