I Can Be Dangerous

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Jennifer exits the police station, with the unnerving knowledge that the Woman in Black is her sister-in-law. As Jennifer unlocks the doors to the eerily quiet DMZ sorority house, she hears a faint whisper of "Jennie" come from behind the bushes which line the perimeter of the property. Jennifer looks over her shoulder, as her long, brunette hair, flies gently over her left side. "Who's there?". Jennifer is worried because the only person to ever call her 'Jennie' is Holden. Jennifer starts to unscramble her keys at a fast pace, and as a result, she drops them on the dimly lit porch. As she bends to pick the metal keys up, Jennifer's heart stops as she hears heavy footsteps walking towards her, creaking against the wooden structure. She, slowly, rises, as the creator of the footsteps, disappears. Jennifer enters the house and immediately bolts every lock in the house shut. For some reason, after everything she has faced, this encounter frightened her the most. As she walks deeper into the house, Jennifer places her handbag on the table and notices a pool of blood, soaked into the tiered floor of the house's foyer. Connor appears, as Jennifer shakily asks, "What's this? Who's blood is this?". Connor cradles his girlfriend in his arms as he states, "Its Dallas'. The killer hung him on the chandelier and stabbed him in the stomach. Poor Julianna found him. He's at the hospital right now". Jennifer almost collapses at the news, terrified that the killer broke into the house and did that to Dallas. "Is he okay, will he make it?", wonders Jennifer, as she immediately snaps out of her worried state of mind. She shakes her head and reveals that The Woman In Black is Holden's wife to Connor, who is shocked. "I need to get more answers from him", sighs Jennifer. Connor sits her down on the red velvet couch in the living room and says, "The police are doing everything they can to find him. We'll get answers soon enough. I can feel it". Jennifer, however, cannot 'feel it'. "No. I can't wait. I need to talk to him. Again. We need to lure him out, kidnap him", concocts Jennifer. Connor stands up in a protest. "Jen. We can't kidnap a person who's killed countless people and who has two minions doing his dirty work. He's dangerous", shrieks a worried Connor. "We share the same blood. I can be dangerous, too", assures Jennifer.

 The late Doctor Jetson's colleague, Doctor Howard Redding, greets a worried Julianna as he updates her on Dallas' condition. "Your boyfriend suffered a major intestinal rupture. He's lucky to be alive. He's in and out of consciousness right now but he should be good as new within a few weeks, three months max". Julianna breaths a euphoric sigh of relief, as she goes as far as to hug Dr. Redding. "Thank you, Thank you!". Julianna enters Dallas' private room, where he is sleeping. Julianna places her manicured right hand on Dallas' stubbled cheek and she whispers, "You won't hear this, hopefully. I sound like a fool but, I love you Dallas McCarthy. You scared me today. Thought I lost 'ya". To Julianna's embarrassment, Dallas awakens. "You do sound like a fool", smiles Dallas, as he kisses Julianna, passionately on the lips. "How are you feeling?", asks Julianna, as she sits in a red arm chair close to Dallas' bedside, as ABC's The Bachelor plays on the TV in the background. "I'm okay. I'm pretty high on morphine right now so that's helping me manage. I just feel uneasy", explains Dallas. "Are you feeling okay? Should I call a nurse?". Dallas giggles, "Not that kind of unease. I'm feeling this because Victoria is still out there". Julianna's heart stops. Victoria. "Vic? What about Victoria? Why does that make you feel uneasy?", questions a sweating and worried Julianna. "She did this to me. She stabbed me. I can remember it, clear as day". Julianna reveals, "She called me when I found you. I knew it was her voice. I can't believe this". Julianna jumps up, as if ready to go to the police. Dallas protests, "Don't go, yet! We need to make her pay. She's a rich girl. There's no way she'd go to prison with her kind of back account". "We want revenge", smiles Dallas, as Julianna stares at him, not certain.

 Victoria exits her bed, as she puts an old video onto the TV in her bedroom, using her Apple TV. In doing so, Victoria watches an old home video she made with Fredrick about a month before he died. The old tape features them dancing on an ice rink, and falling hard, creating a solid memory. Victoria sighs with nostalgia, as she hears Jennifer talking downstairs. Victoria walks down the spiral, marble staircase and asks, "What are you guys planning?". Connor and Jennifer both jump. "Jesus! Victoria, I thought we were alone", shrikes Jennifer. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you". As Victoria continues her descent down the staircase, Jennifer receives a text from Julianna. "Victoria attacked Dallas. Get here now", reads the panicked text. Jennifer shows it to Connor, subtly, as Victoria wonders why she's being so discrete. "What's up?", asks Victoria, as she walks towards the two. "We're just late for dinner reservations", lies Jennifer. "It's 10:30 at night. Who eats a main meal this late?", asks a suspicious Victoria, holding a carton of orange juice and a frozen pop tart. "We like to live dangerously", spouts Connor, as he and Jennifer flee the house.

 Victoria returns to the kitchen's granite counter, where she uses the metal, bright green, toaster to warm up her Watermelon PopTart. As she places it in the toaster, Victoria hears a loud thud come from the back patio. Victoria turns on the patio lights and is horrified to find a severed foot, soaked in blood, laying on the ground. She turns off the lights in shock and focuses her attention on her food. As soon as the PopTart pops out of the toaster, Fredrick's corpse comes crashing through the glass patio door. Victoria screams in horror, as Fredrick's body, with no left foot, lays lifeless on the kitchen floor. Somebody took Fredrick's body from the closet which she and Connor hid it in. Victoria attempts to race out the front door but is stopped when Holden walks into the house, holding a hammer, as he stands over Fredrick's body. "Now this, is some fine work. Wish it were mine. I'm jealous!", roars Holden, as he smashes the hammer into Fredrick's skull. This sickens Victoria, as she continues to scream in horror, as Holden makes his way towards her, practically feeding off of her fear.


Jennifer, still locked up in the dim and damp room, starts to cry, as she wonders who Carolyn truly is and why she is torturing her. As her tears flow, the metal door latches open and Carolyn throws another two people into the dungeon - Julianna and Connor.


Jennifer and Connor arrive at the hospital and at greeted by Julianna in the lobby. "What makes you think it's Vic?", asks Jennifer, bluntly. "Dallas said it was her and the killer, Vic, called me right when I found Dallas and she must've forgotten to turn the voice changer on or something because I'm sure it was her voice. She's the Woman In Black", asserts Julianna. "We need to be sure. We need solid evidence. We need our questions answered. We need to kidnap my brother", reveals Jennifer. "This is a bad idea, Jenn", sighs Connor, shaking his head, as Julianna pipes, "How?". Jennifer takes a moment to think as she responds, "My brother clearly wants my happiness destroyed. So, let's give him the opportunity to destroy it". Jennifer turns her attention to Connor, "Con, will you marry me?".

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