Remember The DeAd

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"That's not possible. Brian must've got it wrong", exclaims Jennifer, who's eyes are welling up with tears, clearly overwhelmed by the mystery that surrounds her dead-alive brother. "Jen, if it really is Holden in that grave, doesn't it comfort you that the person who killed so many of your friends isn't your own brother?", calmly asks Connor, who whispers his words to Jennifer, still trapped inside with Fredrick and Victoria. "No, it doesn't. I was finally coming to terms with Holden being the murderer but now, I just don't know", cries Jennifer, allowing tears to roll down her cheeks, clearly breaking from the mystery.

8 HOURS LATER - 7.16am:
Julianna, who has spent the long cold night laying face first atop of a coffin, full of her best friend's family, cries for help, as dawn breaks and the sun rises, turning night into day. After about six minutes of screaming out, piercingly, for help, Julianna's words suddenly break into a tear-induced cough. All of a sudden, Julianna's tears are stopped by the deep, masculine, voice coming from above Julianna's laying spot. "Hey. Do you need help down there?", asks the handsome, blue-eyed, black-haired man. "YES! Oh god, please get me out of here!", screams Julianna, a sense of relief taking over her previous sense of fear. "Ok. I'm coming". The unknown man climbs down the hole, and gently lifts Julianna up from the coffin. She cries in relief, as the man drags her and her wheelchair up out of the hole, and onto the earth's surface. He delicately places Julianna on the emerald green grass, as she takes multiple deep breaths in and out, calming her nerves. "I'm Dallas. And you are?", greets Dallas, who smiles at Julianna, who is now sitting back in her wheelchair. "I'm Julianna. I'm a sister at DMZ. Y'know it?", blurts Julianna, making small talk with her saviour. "Yeah, my mom was actually a sister at DMZ, like a million years ago", jokes Dallas, who makes Julianna chuckle. "Really? That's awesome. What's her name?", asks Julianna, wondering if she has ever heard of Dallas's mother. "It was Clare McCarthy-Mavericks", responds Dallas, mentioning that his mother has passed. "Was?". "Yeah, she passed away when I was really little. But, you know, I feel her around me sometimes. I know that sounds crazy but it's true", smiles Dallas, remembering his deceased mother. "Wait, is your last name McCarthy, as in Dean James McCarthy?", questions Julianna, believing she has made a connection. "Yeah, you caught me! I'm the Dean's son. Please don't tell anyone, though, it's not exactly fun when people find out that your dad is in charge of them", jokes Dallas, again. Julianna smiles, not caring that Dallas's father is the Dean of the school. "So this may be too forward or pretty inappropriate but there's a Remember The Dead dance on tonight and I was sort of wondering if you'd like to go with me? I mean, it's totally cool if you don't want to", mentions Dallas, attempting not to come across too forward. Julianna smirks, "I'd love to go".

Jennifer arrives at an overgrown, damp, abandoned-looking home. As she is walking down the house's front lawn sidewalk, Jennifer avoids puddles and mud spots, not wanting to get her high heeled, blue shoes filthy or wet. She makes it to the house's porch and she knocks at the wooden door, three times. There is no answer. Jennifer knocks, another three times. No answer. Worried, Jennifer walks around the left side of the home, calling out, "Brian!". No reply. Jennifer reaches into her baby pink purse and pulls out a taser, which she now carries around with her for protection. Jennifer charges the taser, ready to use it, as she fears that something has happened to Brian, her only hope of finding what is truly going on with Holden. Jennifer walks around a corner and is startled. "Boo!", shouts Brian, wearing a Teddy Bear mask. Jennifer screams a deafening scream,which she has gotten pretty talented at. "Jesus, Brian! I was ready to freaking electrocute you!", laughs Jennifer. "Sorry. What are you doing here, Jen?", asks Brian, who's appearance is scruffy, unwashed and careless. "I need to know more about what you found out about that skeleton in Holden's grave", reveals Jennifer, biting her lips, hoping that Brian has more answers. Brian looks around him, and rushes Jennifer inside his untidy home, revealing he does in fact have more information. "I do have more. I couldn't tell you this in a text", states Brian, who sits Jennifer down on his brown, leather couch. "Brian, what is it?", asks Jennifer, worry and anxiety clearly present in her voice. "When I was examining the picture of that skeleton that you sent me, I got the DNA result that Holden's skeleton was in that grave". "Yeah, Brian, you already told me this. What's the new information you found out?", snaps Jennifer, anxious to know. Brian takes a deep breath in and reveals, "I also found some of your DNA on the skeleton, Jennifer". Jennifer's eyes widen, her mouth dries up, as she begins to sweat. "What?! I don't understand. I mean, the skeleton clearly isn't me", exclaims Jennifer, surprised by this new Intel. "I know, I was just as shocked as you are. There is no explanation for this", sighs Brian, who also sits down. "If you want to know more, my colleagues Doctor Joe Jetson and his assistant Mae, are going to be at the Remember The Dead dance tonight. You should go and ask them some questions. They might know some things about the person who is posing as Holden in the hospital", says Brian, as he puts his hand on Jennifer's shoulder, comforting her. "I will. And you're coming with me".

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