Tell The Truth

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Fredrick breaths, revealing that he has surprisingly survived the attack on him done by Victoria. "Shit! He's alive?", exclaims an astounded Victoria. Connor's eyes widen with excitement and awe, as he believed that his best friend was gone forever. Laying in Connor's arms, Fredrick coughs. All of a sudden, Victoria pushes Fredrick out of Connor's grasp and she drags her ex-boyfriend into the basement, as her face fills with red rage.

Victoria shoves Fredrick onto a cold, metal, chair and she ties him up with sturdy ropes. "You just can't get rid of me, can ya?" smirks Fredrick, as he coughs once again. "Trust me, dick. When we're finished here, you'll be gotten rid of. I can guarantee that. I promise", states Victoria, with her hands placed confidently on her hips. "You're going to tell me exactly why you tried to rape me, or else I'll ram this into your thigh, rupturing your aorta", threatens Victoria, as she holds a large butcher knife in her left hand. Fredrick begins to shake in fear. "I can't tell you. I really can't tell you!", claims Fredrick as for some strange reason, tears begin to form in his hazel eyes. "Fine", smirks Victoria, as she raises the knife into the air and rams it into Fredrick's right foot. He screams in agony, as a pool of red blood forms beneath his injured foot. "OKAY! Fine, I'll tell you. Just please don't hurt me again", pleas the captive Fredrick. "If you spill the beans, I won't harm you again. Now, speak", dominates Victoria. "About three weeks ago, I was alone in my dorm room. I was so bored. I had nothing to do. So, uh, I decided to go for a walk, which somehow brought me to a gay club. I was wearing a really big hat and an oversized coat, so people wouldn't recognise me", reveals Fredrick. "Go on", blurts Victoria. "Uh, when I left the club at about two o'clock in the morning, I was really drunk. I couldn't even walk properly. I stumbled into the parking lot and I bumped into somebody accidentally. It was Holden or Mike". "W..wait. Holden/Mike was in a coma three weeks ago. How did you see him?", questions Victoria. "He used to escape without people noticing in the middle of the night. In the parking lot, he taunted and teased me for being gay, which by me telling you this story you've likely figured out. Anyways, he started shouting and telling me that he was going to reveal that I'm gay to the entire student body unless...I started being his slave. He blackmailed me", announces an emotional Fredrick. "His slave?". "He trained me for about a week after he saw me. He taught me how to snap someone's neck easily and horrific stuff like that. Then, it was time for me to kill my first victim. I killed Mae, the girl Jennifer was with at the cemetery. I felt so bad after that". Victoria starts to cry, after learning that the man she loved is actually a murderer. "I tried to have sex with you earlier because I thought it would change me", cries Fredrick, as tears roll down his cheeks. "You're a murderer, you sick son of a bitch. I'm going to the police right now and I am going to make damn sure that you rot in a prison cell for the rest of your pathetic life", screams Victoria, as she races out of the basement to go to the police.

"Tell me everything, Dallas. Every little detail. I need to know it all", affirms Julianna, who is clearly heartbroken at what she has found on Dallas's cell phone. "I will. First though, I want to apologise for you seeing those. I really am sorry", sighs Dallas, who's apology seems sincere. "Okay, fine. I forgive it but tell me the truth". "My father, the dean, wanted me to move to New Quay and start going to go to college here. I was originally attending UCLA but my dad pulled me out. I had no idea why until he told me. He wanted me to move here because he thinks that my mother's death was caused by this campus more specifically, your sorority", reveals Dallas, who attempts to hold Julianna's hand but she pulls away. "He wanted me to build a relationship with one of the current DMZ sisters. That's why I started talking to you, but I didn't know that I would like you this much". "So you were just using me, a girl in a wheelchair. That's disgusting. You're disgusting. By the way, my doctor told me right before I came here that I'll be allowed out of my chair tomorrow. I was going to tell you over this meal but I don't share my personal life with people I consider dead to me", states Julianna, as she spits in Dallas's food and exits the burger joint.


Clare Mavericks, a stunning, blonde haired, DMZ sister, and Dallas's mother, steps out of the shower in her pink bedroom. She dries the wet water off of her body and puts on her clothes for the day - a blue skirt, denim jacket and cowgirl boots. As Clare puts her boots on, she notices that something is written on her mirror - in lipstick. "This will teach you, whore", reads the message. All of a sudden, a man dressed in all black appears out of Clare's closet. He pushes Clare forcefully onto her bed, and he snaps her neck. Killing her instantly.

"Where are you, Jen?", asks Connor on his cell phone. "Bad things are happening here. Fredrick killed Mae, the girl who died in the cemetery". "What? Fredrick? Why would he do that?", asks Jennifer, stunned. "Well, I was listening to a heated conversation that he and Vic were having. Fred said that he is gay and that Holden/Mike blackmailed him into killing Mae", reveals Connor, who cannot believe the words that he is uttering. "Oh my god. That's horrible. I'll be back on campus later today. I'm back home. I found a picture in my room that looked very familiar to the woman we saw dressed in black. I'm here to see if I can find anymore photos of her, I think she might be my cousin". Jennifer hangs up the phone as she walks through the front door of her old home, which brings positive and negative memories flooding back to her. Jennifer takes a large deep breath in and she walks up the wooden stairs of her childhood home, and enters her old bedroom, which is now covered in dust. "I can't believe I'm back here", mutters Jennifer to herself. "Neither can I", shouts a masculine voice, as Jennifer is hit over the head and falls unconscious.

After about forty minutes, Jennifer awakes from her slumber. Her eyes open as she realizes what has happened. Holden/Mike stands in front of her, smiling with eerie glee. "Hey, sis. Sleep well?", smirks Holden. Jennifer immediately screams, as Holden/Mike shoves a black cloth over her mouth, preventing her from drawing attention. "Who are you?! Are you Holden or are you Mike?!", questions Jennifer, who coughed the cloth out of her mouth. "Oh come on, Jennie. If I told you that it wouldn't be fun now would it", smirks a sly Holden/Mike. "By the way, you're wrong about the Woman in Black, she isn't our cousin". "Well then, who the fuck is she?!", shouts Jennifer, angered and frustrated. "Lets just say she's someone that you've known all your life".

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