Sick Love

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It's a dark, damp, dull room. The only sound to revert off of one's eardrums is that of blood coursing through your veins. Silence. Complete silence. Jennifer is locked in the room, all by her lonesome. Curled up in a ball, Jennifer's breaths stutter like a nervous public speaker. Her face is horrifically bruised. She is in dire agony. Her hair is incredibly damaged and is as flakey as a cracker. Her eyes are as a red as the devil due to constant crying. Jennifer is at her worst. I'm never getting out of here. I'm going to die in here. I'm terrified. Negative thoughts race through Jennifer's usually optimistic mind. She sees no light at the end of this tunnel. A loud crash, presumably of a metal lock being unhinged, is heard at the door of the dingy room. Jennifer readjusts her posture, relieving herself of the curled up position. She stands up, albeit in week form, and awaits the visitor. The cold, metal door opens and Jennifer's eyes become fixated on the arrival. It's a woman, with coral colored finger nails, nude high heels, and a black, faux fur jacket. Her hair shoulder length, with blonde highlights. "Please, just let me go. I don't care about what you've done. I won't tell anyone. Please, Carolyn!", pleas Jennifer, who will literally say anything if it meant that she could escape the hell hole she currently resides in. "Dear, it simply won't be that easy. We aren't finished with you... yet", states Carolyn, in a hauntingly low vocal register. You fucking bitch. I want to rip your throat out. Jennifer's mind swears at Carolyn like a sailor, but she wouldn't dare use explicit words towards Carolyn. She's simply too violent. "Darling, you must understand that though you have experienced immense trauma during these past few days, your days of horror aren't over. At all. We've only just begun", whispers Carolyn, as she puts her face about two inches from Jennifer's. Jennifer, who sees an opportunity, salivates in her mouth, and spits the produce onto Carolyn's smug face. As a result, Carolyn's face becomes engrossed with rage. "How dare you do that to me! Is that anyway to treat y-. Never mind", screams Carolyn, who places her left hand on her red lipstick covered mouth, preventing herself from spilling the biggest secret that she burdens herself with. "What? What were you going to say?", says Jennifer, as curiosity consumes her. Carolyn ignores Jennifer's question and instead calls Holden into the room. "Holden, my dear. Please take Jennifer to the chair. She needs to be taught some manners. Project Red begins tonight".

"What if that note is just Holden trying to scare us? He's done it before", speaks Victoria, who's feelings of fear are starting to cloud her realistic conscience. "Fred is dead, Vic. This isn't just a game to them anymore. We are in serious danger... again", sighs Connor, as he throws himself onto a red, leather couch, fearing the future. "Con's right. We are in grave danger now. Fred's gone. Holden and his band of lunatics killed that news reporter just because I was about to reveal everything - the murders, their identities, Carolyn. If they killed an innocent woman who didn't do anything to them, what do you think they'll do to us? It's just a matter of time before they come for us next. Which is why, I'm going to the police right now. I'm going to tell them everything - in a safe and secure room where nobody can break in. This needs to end. Now", reveals Jennifer, who is determined to put a stop to these murders once and for all. "Good luck, Jen", says Victoria, as she hugs Jennifer. Connor pulls Jennifer towards him by grabbing her hip, and lustfully places his lips upon hers. "I'll be back soon", smiles Jennifer as she makes her way to the police station.

Julianna receives a positive text message from Victoria which reads, "All good here. Hope you got away safe. Jen is going to the police. This ends now". Julianna smiles after she reads the text. As she is about to put her cell phone on sleep mode, Julianna receives another text. This one more mysterious, more ominous and more dangerous than Victoria's text. The message was sent from a blocked cell phone number and reads, "Heart break is a terrible thing but what's even worse is having no closure. Say goodbye to Dallas...oh wait! You can't". Julianna panics as soon as she reads the threat, and she replies, "Who is this?! Where are you?! Don't hurt him". You can almost feel the passion in Julianna's typing. "Your sorority house, of course. And, if you don't know who this is by now, you're pretty fucking dumb", reads the insulting text. Julianna immediately races towards the DMZ sorority house, to save Dallas. 

Jennifer, wearing black converse sneakers and a preppy New Quay College hoodie, paired with black skinny jeans, walks up to the front desk at the Police precinct. "I need to have an interview with a police officer. It's urgent". "Okay miss, what's this  in relation to?", responds a friendly guard, who stereotypically scoffs on a doughnut. "The murders on campus. I know everything". The guard coughs her doughnut out and immediately arranges a meeting between Jennifer and Detective Hollis, a renowned detective with 25 years of experience with murder cases. The interview is conducted at 21:34pm. "Please state your name for the tape", says the detective, following regular police protocol. "Jennifer Richards", speaks Jennifer. About 20 minutes into the interview, Jennifer reveals the 'juicy' details to the detective, who's eyes widen from the words exiting Jennifer's mouth. "My brother, Holden Richards, attended New Quay College last year under the name of Augustus. Obviously, I wasn't aware of who he really was at the time. Me and Aug- Holden, became close. Something just felt so familiar about him. I feel so stupid for trusting him. I was a fool. Anyways, at the end of last semester, about 5 months ago, Holden revealed himself to me as the killer of New Quay. He killed all those victims because he convinced himself that I was the reason why my parents died in the car accident. That was his motive. He wants to hurt me, kill me. Now, he is working with a team of people. And I couldn't be more terrified. My friends, Victoria and Julianna, and my boyfriend, Connor, all received a letter earlier today, which showed our faces as glass bottles. One of them were smashed. It had a face of Fredrick on it. Fred was killed. We're next. I can feel it. Also, the two people that we know are working with Holden are called Carolyn, and The Woman in Black. I have no idea who these people are". Hollis thanks Jennifer for finally coming clean, and he assures her that 24 hour police protection will be issued on the DMZ sorority house, whilst they attempt to catch Holden and his team. "Can you come with me for one moment, Ms. Richards? There's something I think you need to see", asks Hollis.

Julianna rushes into the DMZ sorority house, as fast as lightning and she screams out, "Dallas! Dallas! Dallas!". There is no reply. It seems like there is nobody in the house. Julianna feels a drip of a warm liquid fall atop of her head. Julianna tilts her head upwards and is sickened to find Dallas, hanging from the ceiling by a rope, with stab wounds allowing blood to pour out of his abdomen. Julianna screams, as she races up the stairs to cut Dallas' rope and save his life. Suddenly, her cell phone rings. It's the same blocked number who contacted her earlier. She reluctantly answers. "You're gonna pay for this you motherfuc-". "Hey, Julianna. I wouldn't cut Dallas down if I were you. The fall would simply speed up his death, the crash would snap his spine. It would be much more painful than what he is experiencing now", states the all to familiar voice. "I know that voice. Victoria... is that you?".

Detective Hollis is followed by Jennifer into a forensics science laboratory room. "What am I doing here? What is that you want to show me?". "We have reason to believe that your brother, Holden, is working with someone that he is very close with". "What do you mean?", asks Jennifer, curious. "We found a picture of Holden, well Augustus at the time, with a woman, who fits the description of The Woman in Black, standing at the top of an alter in a white dress, with Holden", reveals Hollis. Jennifer sits down in shock. "Are you saying that The Woman in Black is Holden's wife?". "Yes".

Killer on Sorority Row 2 : Project RedWhere stories live. Discover now