The Skeleton in The Closet

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Sickened and disgusted, Connor screams at the top of his lungs at the sight of Fredrick's dead, mangled, corpse. Victoria, who coincidentally was in the dorm's building, discovers Fredrick's body also. She immediately comforts Connor, knowing how horrific this must be for him. "What happened here?", breaths Victoria, as she cradles a ghostly white and shaking Connor in her arms. "I opened the door and I...I found him like this. Look at the note". Note thinks Victoria. What note?  She then sets her sights on the white, tiny, note that lies, it's top right corner smeared in blood, below Fredrick's dripping corpse.   Victoria reads the note. "Who the hell is Carolyn? I've never heard of that name in my life", exclaims Victoria, jumping to the conclusion that the note is a hoax. "I don't know. That's what makes this whole situation more terrifying. We have to call the police", cries Connor, still in shock. "No. We can't get the police. They'll immediately think that you and I had something to do with this", states Victoria, dismissing Connor's suggestion. "What? But we didn't. Are you trying to hide something? Did you kill Fredrick?", gasps Connor. "Of course I didn't. Jesus. I'm just saying that you and me were the last two people to see Fred alive. The police would come digging around the house, and Jennifer's secrets would be exposed. You don't want that for Jen, do you?", slyly says Victoria, convincing Connor. Connor shakes his head. "Okay, what we're gonna do is, we're going to untie Fred and shove his body in the closet, covered by lots of shirts", reveals Victoria. She pulls out a hair comb and manages to rip the tie that Fredrick was hanging from. The corpse collapses on the ground. "Don't just stand there, help me!", rules Victoria, as she and Connor drag Fredrick's deceased body into the dorm room's closet. "Con, you can come live in the sorority house. You can't stay here. I'll tell the others that your room was infested by rats or raccoons or something". Connor and Victoria exit the crime scene, with the note from the anonymous Carolyn. 

Jennifer returns to the DMZ sorority house after the big reveal that Holden is in fact Holden and not Mike. As Jennifer serves up a bowl of vibrant colored Lucky Charms for her breakfast, she ponders who exactly Mike was. Sitting at hr island counter, Jennifer pulls out her cell phone and looks up, 'Mike Richards - Killed'. Nothing shows up in the results. Suddenly, Julianna races into the sorority house, finally out of her wheelchair. "Jen! Have you seen The New York Times' front page this morning?", shrikes an excitable Julianna. "No, why?". Jennifer googles the day's issue of the newspaper and is delighted to see a picture of The Woman in Black, splashed across the front page of one of the most read newspapers in the country. "This is amazing. If more people know about her, the higher the chance is that she'll get caught!", laughs Jennifer, hugging Julianna in celebration. "There's one downside to this though", deflates Julianna. "There's a lot of reporters on campus and they all want to talk to you". "Me? How do they know that I'm connected in all of this?", questions Jennifer, who's phone immediately starts ringing with desperate journalists, eager to get an exclusive interview with Jennifer. "Are you going to do an interview?", asks Julianna, curious. Jennifer ponders the question for a minute. "Yes. And I'm going to tell the whole world everything".

"Hello?". "Yes, hi. My name is Jennifer Richards and I heard that you want to do an interview with me", speaks Jennifer, anxious. "Yes! Hello, dear. I'm in New Quay right now covering the Woman in Black story, is it okay if my camera crew and I stop by in an hour?", asks Dina Fox, a renowned journalist for ABC News. "That's perfect", says Jennifer as she hangs up the call.

Victoria and Connor arrive at the DMZ sorority house, where Jennifer tells them about her upcoming interview. Connor and Victoria exchange a look, as Victoria pulls Connor out of the conversation with Jennifer to talk with him. "I know exactly what you're thinking about doing and you can't. You can't tell Jennifer. She has enough on her plate". Connor responds, "I don't care. My best friend was murdered yesterday by this Carolyn bitch. I don't care if she's the most dangerous woman alive, I need her dead or at least in danger of becoming so". Connor then ignores Victoria's requests and he reveals all to Jennifer, who has to sit down with shock. About 30 minutes later, Jennifer says, "I am going to reveal Carolyn in the interview but I won't say that Fred is dead. I'll just say that I know Carolyn exists, I don't have to give a reason on how I know". The door bell sounds. The camera crew set up their equipment, and Dina and Jennifer exchange kind greetings. The interview begins.

Dina, wearing an overcoat and glasses, crosses her legs and firmly says, "Jennifer, why do you believe that all of the journalists here, in New Quay, wish to get an interview with you regarding the Woman in Black story?". Jennifer takes a deep breath in and spills, "Well, Dina. I know exactly why the media want to interview me. It's because I'm directly connected with the Woman in Black. Although I don't know who she is, I do know that she is a serial murderer working with my brother, Holden Richards. They are killing people together". Dina sits across from Jennifer, speechless. "Your brother is aiding this woman in murders?", stuns Dina. "No. The woman is aiding him with the murderers. Remember all the deaths on campus a few months back, they were all committed by my brother Holden, who went by the name of Augustus, and his team made up of the Woman in Black and Caroly-". Suddenly, the window in which the interview is taking place in front of, smashes, as a cloaked and masked attacker arrives. The attacker pushes Jennifer out of her seat and she falls to the floor, violently. Dina screams in fear. The attacker moves their attention towards Dina. She leaps up out of her seat and makes a run towards the exit of the house. The attacker is too agile for the journalist and Dina's throat is gruesomely slashed. Victoria and Connor race up the stairs and lock themselves in the bathroom and Julianna sneaks out of the backdoor, running scared. Jennifer, who is on the floor in pain, is punched in the face by the attacker, who drops another note on her chest, as the attacker flees the scene. Jennifer gets up and reads the note. She calls put, "Guys, it's okay. You can come out. He's gone". Connor and Victoria walk down the stairs, as Jennifer hands them the note. The note has a picture of Jennifer, Victoria, Julianna, Fredrick and Connor's faces all stuck to a drawing of a glass bottle. Fredrick's glass is broken. "It's the beginning of the end for all of you", reads the words on the note. "Fredrick was first, we're all next", sighs Jennifer.

A dirty blonde haired woman, taps her long, coral colored nails against her office desk. Two people enter the woman's office, one being Holden and the other wearing the costume of the person who attacked the DMZ house. "You did good tonight and Holden, I have to applaud your drawing skills. That note was marvelous! Anyways, now that they know about me it's time to start act 2: the murders. I want all of them killed within the month, if not, I'll begin to play my own game. Holden, I want you to kill the boyfriend and you, the so called Woman in Black, you can finish the other girls".

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