Chapter 1: Morning

Start from the beginning

Guardian93: One day... maybe...

Guardian93: And you do see me you just don't know it. :D

MoonGazer94: One day. Maybe? Why maybe?

Guardian93: Because...

MoonGazer94: Because why?

Guardian93: Because I don't think you would want to know me anymore, let alone talk to me, if you found out who I really was.

MoonGazer94: And why is that?

Guardian93: Because the guy you see me as at school isn't the same guy you chat with here.

MoonGazer94: What do you mean?

Guardian93: Meaning I act completely different at school then when I am on here chatting with you. At school I am a badass, cocky, a jerk even, with no emotions and not caring who I hurt. Except when I see you or think of you. But, when I am on here, on chat I feel I can be open and free. That I can be my true self with you. And tell you how I really feel about everything and know you won't judge me for it, or think of me as a bad person for it.

MoonGazer94: Is that why you started instant messaging me? Cause you knew I wouldn't judge you.

Guardian93: Yes, and because I think you are beautiful and I didn't know any other way of telling you that. :)

MoonGazer94: Well, I do have to say that is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. :) But, I'm not beautiful. My twin and Heather are but not me, so I know you're lying about that last part.

Guardian93: How can you not think yourself beautiful?!

MoonGazer94: Because I don't.

Guardian93: You shouldn't listen to Chantel and her bullying. You are just as beautiful as your sisters. But to me even more so.

MoonGazer94: Ok now you're just sucking up.

Guardian93: No, just stating the facts.

  I smile thinking that there is actually someone in the world besides my family who thinks I'm beautiful. All of a sudden my thoughts are disturbed as my door is crashed open. I look to see who it is, and I shouldn't be all that surprised as I see my gorgeous twin sister, Annabeth Dawn James, and our best friend/sister Heather Garner. They are both fully dressed for the day and look absolutely amazing as always. I envy them and their beauty, let alone their confidence. I wish I was more like them. I mean they have guys fawning and drooling all over them every day! Even though I forbid giving in to love or fall in love for that matter. You would think I would have guys fawning all over me too since I am Annabeth's twin, but, I'm just too shy and quiet for any guy to really notice or take interest in me. Except for Rain apparently.

   Annabeth and Heather walk towards me and detour to my bed, then, in unison sing, "Good morning sunshine." I rolled my eyes and groaned at the two of them. They both just so happen to be morning people and overly perky one's at that. I go back to my laptop and reply to Rain saying:

MoonGazer94: Yea ok. Well, these facts have no basis of proof. But off to a different subject. Annabeth and Heather just walked in. (More like barged) Singing no less. Ugh. Did I mention how much I hate mornings?

Guardian93: Yes, every Monday-Friday that you go to school. Ha-ha. It can't be that bad, can it?

  I look over at Heather and Annabeth who are now singing to The Wanted's song ' I Found You '. and type:

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