True Identity

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  Hello. My name is Victoria Elizabeth James and the girl sitting next to me on my right, that looks exactly like me, well that’s my identical twin sister Annabeth, Annabeth Dawn James to be more precise.

            As you can tell Heather, Celeste, Alex, Oliver, Annabeth and I are sitting around a warm cozy fire at Craigville Beach in Hyannis, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The beach is quite big and it's late out about 10 pm by the look of my cell phone. Its dark out with a full moon a cast and the stars shining bright out. Everyone that is circled around the fire is reminiscing over all that has happened, all that we have learned. Not just about each other, but about ourselves.

Everyone except me.

            I suddenly feel the wind blowing to the eastern side of the beach and I look away from the bubbly chatter to the ocean. As I gaze at the ocean I subconsciously stand up and walk to the edge of the water in my denim black shorts, red spaghetti strap tank top, and my black converse, with my arms crossed loosely over my stomach.

            I start to look at the ocean and I mean really look at it, not like it’s a vast amount of water that takes up a majority of the planet but looking at how the moon glistens off of the ocean and makes it look like the ocean is sparkling. Or how it looks like a million diamonds are embedded in the bottom of the ocean.

            Then, I unexpectedly felt a presence around me. I took my eyes off of the ocean and saw that it was my friends and that they were all quiet and looking at me. Almost with worry in their eyes.

The silence ended when Celeste asked, “Victoria what’s wrong? ”

            I looked at her for a moment and then to the rest of my friends, frowned inwardly, then looked back at the ocean and whispered, “ Everything. “ I paused for a moment to let them take in that one word I had said then finished, “Everything is wrong. I can feel that this isn’t over and there is more danger to come. More than we can imagine, have seen, and the worst part is I can feel something old very old rising, some kind of ancient evil. And I know one thing is for sure none of us is ready for it. Not even Annabeth and I.”


            But before I continue my story on the ancient evil to come. Let’s go back to the beginning of this all, where I first learned about my true identity. A lot has changed since then, with everyone and everything, even me. It all started all the way back to exactly one year ago today. 

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