Chapter 15

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Tobias POV

"Sorry. So are you 'pregnant'?" I correct myself with the term and she rolls her eyes.

As Tris opens her mouth to reply her order number is called and she walked away to retrieve it. What if she's pregnant? I don't know how to be a dad. I never exactly had an example in my life.

"As you were most importantly saying...?" I raise my eyebrows anxiously as she sits down.

"So, I took a few tests and I'm most defiantly pregnant." She casually replies sipping her mocha and I swear my heart stops. Did she say she was pregnant or in a pageant? I hope it was in a pageant. 

"Are you joking right now? Your really pregnant? With my child?" I exclaim with wide eyes.

"Yes, but listen closely. Just because I'm pregnant by you doesn't mean you are going to have a right in mine or the kids life. Understand?"

"What do you mean? Damn well I will. You can't keep the kid away from me." I raise my voice slightly and she glares at me.

"Watch me. I don't want to see you again, you have done enough damage to me so just go away and don't come back." She snaps.

"I'll take you to court." I blurt even though I know I wouldn't do that to her.

"No, you won't. Your the one who basically took advantage of me." Tris retorts.

"I thought we were done talking about that." I reply coldly and she stands up abruptly.

"I said what I needed to, so I am going to go now. Don't talk to me again, okay?" She grits through her teeth and storms out.

"Are you fùcken kidding me." I mutter standing up following her.

"Dammit, Tris wait!" I call out and she gives me the middle finger.

"Tris!" I shout and she spins around to face me.

"What?" She spits out bitterly.

"You can be mad at me all you want, but I won't be taken out of my child's life. Am I clear?" I demand coldly and she flinches.

"I will move halfway across the country if I have to, to get the hell away from you! And get away from me before I fricken call Dale!" Tris threatens and opens her car door, but I slam it shut and grip her wrist.

"Listen well, I will follow you halfway across the damn country if I have to. Understand? And you can run and cry to Derek, but I will always be in your life Tris. Now go." I release the hold on her wrist and she glares one last time before leaving.

I can't believe Tris is pregnant. I knew there was a chance, but I never thought it'd actually happen. I sigh and et into my own car to head back to the apartment.

I'm even more surprised Dale is back, isn't that ass suppose to be out of the damn country?

My phone buzzes and I ignore the sixth call from Christina while turning onto another road. I don't have time for her sappy conversations about her stomach being to big for her favorite clothes. I should call up Zeke, I haven't talked to him in forever and I need someone to get advice from. Manly advice.

"Yes?" I huff finally answering my phone on Christina's seventh call.

"There was an accident." Chris's breathing is ragged like she's been running and my grip on the wheel tightens as I shift nervously in my seat.

"What you mean? Who? Is Tris okay?" I ask worriedly. Is the baby okay?

"I- no, it's wasn't Tris, it was Dale and Josie." I mentally sigh in relief the Tris is fine.

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