Chapter 1

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"She's beautiful." I mutter at my daughter swaddled in my arms. Our daughter. Dale looked over at me from the chair near the hospital bed and grinned.

"Have you guys picked out a name?" The nurse greets us walking in. I bite my lip and nod.

"Josie." Dale states proudly.

"You are just darling, Josie." The nurse coos brushing the childs cheek gently. She smiles warmly at Dale and I before continuing to type on the computer.

"Well Mr and Mrs. Anderson, I'll go get some paperwork then Tris can order her breakfast." The nurse leaves us with the new baby.

"Yay, hospital food!" I exclaim and Dale chuckles.

"Only one more day." I roll my eyes. Josie stirs in my arms and I shift her to my other side.

"She has your mouth." I point out and trace her full lips.

"She's beautiful." He repeats my earlier words and I nod in agreement. Josie was born with soft short brown hair, rosey cheeks, a pale complextion, and full lips. Dale and I have been married for a year and already have a huge blessing in our life.

"Want to hold her?" I offer and his eyes widen.

"Y-yeah." He answered nervously standing up next to me and I laugh.

"You won't hurt her." I reassure and gently lay her in her fathers arms. Josie whimpers then quiets as she is brought against Dale's chest.

"We are parents Tris." He says with a grin like he finally got his mind wrapped around it.

"When are Ben, Kelsey and Noah coming?" I ask checking the time. 4:34 am.

"Um, they will be here any minute. They aren't exactly morning people." He informs. Kelsey and Noah have been dating for six months, she is like a sister to me. Since Dale and I settled down in a small apartment near Covert Springs, the boys have gotten an apartment next to us. I mostly stay home while Dale goes and works at a small auto shop in town. Life has been pretty simple the past two years.

"Tris! Where is she? I call holding her first!" Shouts were brought into the room by the three idiots who finly decided to show up.

"Shhhhh." I scold them and Ben rolls his eyes.

"Already turning into a mom." He retorts and I flip him off.

"Girl! You look great!" Kelsey brightens the mood and hugs me tight.

"Well, since I haven't showered in two days and I was in labor 5 hours ago, thanks." I hug her back and also give the boys a hug.

"What's her name?" Noah whispers over our daughter who is sleeping soundly.

"Josie." I answer.

"Hey Josie girl.." Ben pets her head and Dale frowns.

"She isn't a damn dog." Dale glares and Ben raises his hands in defeat.

"Omegosh! She's adorbs!!" Kelsey squeals. After passing her around and hearing thousands of comments about her the nurse finally returns.

"Okay Tris, I got some good news." The nurse says with her thumbs up.

"Huh?" I ask curious.

"You and little Josie are being released today." She informs us and I am reliefed I can go eat good food. Like Mcdonalds.

"Great!" I exclaim and push my stringy hair that needed to be washed back. Ben, Noah and Kelsey all say their byes before excusing themselves to go home.

"I'll go get the car seat." Dale grins and leaves handing me Josie.

"Let's get your blood pressure then you are free to go!" After torturing my arm to death Dale finally returns with a pink car seat by his side. I hand Josie to the nurse as she demostrates how to put the child in the seat I go to get real clothes on in the bathroom.

"Ready to go?" Dale asks with Josie's car seat in one arm and her diaper bag in the other.

"Totally." I smile and put by backpack full of clothes on my back before heading out. We sign out at the counter and the lady gives us a goodluck as we leave.

"Our life is about to change. A lot." Dale point out putting Josie in the back of the car.

"For the better." I add and he smiles agreeing. This is certainly a new beginning.

*Tobias POV*

"Can you guys stop?" I groan at the sight of Christina and Will making out.

"Stop being an ass, Four. Its not our fault your still single at 24." Chris retorts causing my chest to ache. She's right its not their fault.

"Well it's not cute that you are married and still kissing like that." I scrunch up my face as Will flips me off.

"Hey. We are trying to get as much time together before this baby is born!" Christina defends herself, patting her swollen belly.

"Yeah, well don't spend that time in front of me." I plead and they split apart on their leather couch.

"Whatever. So tell us, when are you going to charm the lucky girl?" She asks grinning and I frown. I have avoided this subject for two years.

"I kind of like being single." I shrug looking at the wooden floors. I hear Christina huff and the couch creak.

"Four, are you still thinking about.... Tris?" She sits next to me and rubs my back comfortly.

"I- I just can't help it, I was so stupid. I didn't mean what I said, after I spent more time with her the more I fell for her..." My voice faulters and I start to tear up. Ever since I have told Tris those harmful words years ago, I have lived in guilt and I barely can move on.

"I remember that day, when you told her about the dare. God, I was so mad. I wanted to kill you I swear. Then I thought about how guilty I was too. I am so ashamed, I became to love her like a sister." Christina starts crying on my shoulder. It's funny decisions two years ago can affect us now.

"Have you talk to her since?" I mutter feeling uncomforable so I lean away.

"I haven't." Will inputs and Christina shakes her head. Nither have I , but I doubt she'd want to talk anyway.

"I wonder how she is. " Christina wipes her tears and furrows her eyebrows.

"Probably still with that Dale guy." Will pointed out and I frown.

"I have to go." I grumble and abruptly stand up. The thought of Tris being happy with someone other than me makes me sick. After slipping on my jacket I walk out and lean agaisnt the door. I need her in my life. I can't go on without her.

I know just where to go to find her.

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