Chapter 19

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Tobias POV

"Keep the change." I tell the cashier as he hands me the pack of cigarettes with a grateful nod.

The cool November air causes a shiver to run through my body as I tighten the thin jacket around my body. Taking the a rusted red lighter out of my pocket, my fingers shake as I open the pack and light a cigarette.

"Last time." I promise myself an empty promise knowing I will be having another one in a few hours.

The dark streets are dark and the street lights give off dim shadows as I walk down the empty sidewalk. I watch the smoke come from my mouth and get caught in the wind, blowing elsewhere.

"Dammit." I hiss when a drop of rain hits my cheek followed by others. I shove one hand in my pocket and hold the cigarette in my teeth as I jog underneath a stores canvas.

I sigh in frustration and toss my cigarette in a small pile of trash next to me, running a hand through my damp hair.

"Ouch." I freeze at the harsh whisper and I glance cautiously at the garbage pile.

"Hello?" My voice is scratchy so I clear my throat. The pile shifts a little, so I step closer.

"Who's there?" I ask moving a piece of cardboard with the tip of my foot.

"Don't hurt me." A small voice whimpers and I frown.

"I won't hurt you, I promise." I say crouching down closer to a small figure. My eyes adjust to the darkness to find a young girl staring at me with large eyes. Her dark hair is matted down and there are dark smudges on her face, a deep stench is coming from her and I try not to cringe.

"What's you name?" I ask looking into her brown eyes curious to why she is out in this condition.

"K-Kayla." She sits up more, revealing her dirt and grim covered clothes.

"I'm Tobias. What are you doing out here?"

"I-it's a long story." She shivers and I'm now aware of the holes in her shirt and how thin her face is.

"Let's get you some place warm, yeah?" I offer holding out a hand and she looks at it with surprise.

"Your not going to take me somewhere to kill me are you?" She asks with a dry sense of humor and I chuckle shaking my head.

"No, At least not yet." I wink and she grips my hand while I pull her light boy up, which wasn't hard at all.

"Come here." I say wrapping an arm around her shivering body trying to warm her up as we walked back to my place slowly.


"Well it's not much, but it's what I have." I announce stepping into the small concrete floored apartment.

"I like it." Kayla says smiling warmly and I ignore the dirt marks she tracked in. Her stomach growls and she blushes trying to hide it.

"How about I get us some hot chocolate and food, while you go warm yourself up in a hot shower." I suggest and a moment of relief flashed through her eyes.

"That sounds great, but do you.. Um have any.." She looks down at her torn clothes ashamed, and I nod in understanding.

"Yeah, I have something." I tell her leading her to the bathroom. "There are towels in the closet just come into the kitchen when your done, take your time."

"Thanks, I-" Her voice cracks and she looks up with tears in her eyes. "No ones ever been this kind to me."

"Hey, it's okay. Just relax okay, your going to be fine. Everything will be alright." I reassure her and she nods wiping tears.

In the kitchen I prepare my famous ham, cheese and tomato sandwiches along with two steaming cups of hot coco.

By time the shower turned off I had the plates on the coffee table and the movie Transformers playing.

"Thanks for the clothes." My head snaps up and Kayla looks different not covered in grim. Her dark damp hair seems longer as it falls down her back and her place completion seems lighter, giving her mocha brown eyes a little enchantment.

"No problem, come sit. I got food." I say. The sweat pants I loaned her are extremely baggy and are rolled at least four or five times on her narrow waist. She defiantly needs to eat.

"Thanks it looks good. Transformers?" She motions towards the TV screen with a small smile as she sits next to me on the leather couch, putting the plate of food in her lap.

"It's what's on is that fine?" I ask and she nods gratefully.

"This is so good." Kayla groans already biting into her second half of the sandwich.

"Thanks. I've been living off these things for months." I chuckle eating my own too.

"Sorry if I seem like a pig.." She says blushing when her plate is cleared and she's working on the hot chocolate.

"Don't worry, you were out in the cold, your so skinny, you need to eat." I assure and she frowns a little.

"Well it's not just that, I, uh, am not just eating for myself." Kayla mutters lowly and I furrow my brows. What's that suppose to mean? Is she Fùcken possessed or some shit?


"It's me and this little guy." She lifts up the cotton shirt I lent her to reveal a tiny bump.

What the hell is th.... Oh.

"Your pregnant." I mean it as a question, but it comes out as a statement.

"Yeah, I am. I know you must think I'm irresponsible or a drug addict or some shit for being homeless and pregnant, but I'm not believe me." She sighs closing her eyes.

"I wasn't thinking that..."

"A few months ago I was still living with my parents, I had an internship with a great company and my future was bright." She bites her lip then continues. "It was a Thursday night, I was walking home from my friends house... Then h-he grabbed me. I screamed for help no one c-came, I was all al-alone."

"Shh.. You don't have to finish." I wrap my arms around her small frame as her body shakes from her sobs.

"Your the first person I told.. I tried explaining to my p-parents when I found out I was pregnant.. But they wouldn't l-listen. They kicked me out that night." Anger runs through me even though I hardly know the girl or her parents I feel protective of her.

"I am so sorry... I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything, I'll be out of your worries before you go to bed." Kayla mutters wiping her tears and I frown.

"No, stay here. It's not the nicest place, but it's warm and there's food, plus you have me to talk to." I tell her pulling away.

"I couldn't."

"Please, It'd be my pleasure. It's gets kind of lonely around here." I plead not wanting her to spend anther night in the streets.

"Only till I get myself back on my feet maybe.." She debates in her mind and I smile.

"It's settled then. You can have the guest room down the hall." I say in satisfaction.

"Thank you so much." She smiles hugging me.

"No, thank you."

"Now that things are settled, tell me something Tobias. Who was the girl who broke your heart?" I'm caught off guard with the question and I cover it up with a slow laugh.

"What do you mean? There's no one." I shrug.

"Don't lie. Your in a cheap apartment in a small town, you have nothin going for you here yet you are living here. Who is she?"

After a few minutes I pause the movie and close my eyes to imagine her grey eyes.

"Her name is Beatrice..."

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