Chapter 5

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"And then I got a new dress!" Josie explains what we did at the mall while picking up a chinese noodle with her finger and Dale smiles weakly.

"Sounds fun." He comments and I notice his full plate of food.

"Babe, you barley touched your food. What me to make somthing else?" I ask Dale concerned and he looks at me with lifeless eyes.

"Nah. Just not hungry." He pushes his plate away and drops the fork that's been sitting in his hand with a clutter causing Josie to flinch.

"Well, then can I have his brownie mommy?" Josie asks with a grin forming on her face and I nod smiling.

"I don't feel good. I'm heading to bed." Dale states distantly and kisses Josie on the head before heading down the hall. I sigh and sunndenly lose my appetite. Dale leaving is slowly killing me on the inside, but I can't show it in front of Josie. Dale deports at the end of this week and I can already tell he is becoming distant.

"Time for bed Josie." I tell her after she is finished with her brownies and milk and she frowns.

"A little longer?" She begs.

"Josie, stop. No." I snap and tears well in her eyes.

"Sorry momma.." She starts walking towards her room and I pick her up in my arms before she gets to far.

"I am sorry honey. Mommy just doesn't feel well." I explain guility and gently kiss her forhead walking into her room. After changing her into her favorate footie pajamas, I tuck her in and she's out almost instantly.

I close my eyes and bite my lip before walking into my room. I don't think I can face Dale without crying again.

"Going to bed already?" I ask glancing at Dale laying down on the bed with his chizzled chest on display.

"I said I was. Did I not?" Sarcasm drips from his voice coldly and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Okay, sorry for caring." I raise up my hands in defeat and walk into our connected bathroom to sit on the toilet to think without him being in hear. (She isn't actually going to the bathroom, just sitting.)

"Tris.." Dale comesin and crouches next to by sitting position then runs a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry. It's just- I'm just- Ugh."

"Dale, I know its hard, but I can tell there is somthing else bothering you. Not just going back right away."

"Last time I was there.." He starts and looks away. I reach out to him and cup his face in my hand gently.

"You can talk to me." Dale looks back at me and I notice tears forming in his eyes.

"I had no choice." His voice cracks and my heart starts to pound. "They told me to do it." He stops again and he wraps me in his arms.

"Hey hey hey.. tell me when your ready." I assure him and he pulls away from.

"I'm suppose to be the man. I'm suppose to be comforting you." Dale states and I frown.

"No. I love you Dale. I will always take care of you." I tell him and his smiles slightly.

"How did I ever get so lucky?" He asks pulling me back into him.

"I don't know. How did you?" I grin and he chuckles.

"You know, when I saw that guy messing with you earlier, I really wanted to kick his ass." Dale admits and I slap his chest playfully.

"Well thank you." I don't like being the cause of fights.

"Do you still like him?" He asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"Ha. How could I like somebody who has done so wrong?" I chuckle and Dale suddenly tenses and steps away from me.

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