This Is Beautiful

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Every incredible author has a troubled past and I thought that I wanted to share mine. I started writing this novel in hopes to tell the world that yes, I actually was feeling this way. But here I am at 10:30 pm, one day after my sixteenth birthday looking into the darkness. And I can't seem to get the words written across the page. I didn't know how to word it, how to write every tragic thing that has happened in my life in a sentence. I could tell you about that one time in sixth grade when I... No, never mind, that's a story for another time. And I bet you are reading this expecting something amazing, an incredible melody of words. Well, I'm sorry to inform you that we don't always get what we want. If you go to bed expecting to be happy tomorrow, there's a chance you'll be let down. And I've come to learn that there is nothing beautiful or poetic about sadness or depression or eating disorders or heart break. But, there's something beautiful about how a person chooses to cope with it.

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