Ch. 5

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Hey guys. So in this chapter Cameron and Kaylin have a pretty serious conversation and the topics may make some of you feel a little awkward but it is bringing up actual situations that a normal "couple" would talk about so please just bare with me. It'll be a little awkward but we can feel awkward together.

Thanks baby dolls.

Camille's POV

I laid in my bed and thought of the last time I had seen Louis.

"Come on Lou!" I giggled as I ran as fast as my little feet would carry me.

I could hear Louis laughter from behind as he caught up to me. We ran to our spot. The meadow was so pretty in the spring time and we loved playing hide and go seek and tag in the little field of flowers and through the surrounding trees.

We finally got to the edge of the forest where the meadow started but something was off. We stopped and sniffed the air. Smoke. We got closer to the clearing and saw three weres burning something. We couldn't see what they were burning but it wasn't good.

"Cami, stay here." Louis said as he crouched down close to the ground and started to go toward the weres.

I watched as he got as close as he could without them seeing him.

I wanted to see what he was seeing so I tried to get closer but I stepped on a branch and it snapped under my foot catching the attention of the weres in the clearing and Louis.

I looked up to see that they weren't weres at all. They were Vamps. Their black eyes stared at me in such intensity . Their mouths were covered in blood and I screamed as one came towards me in a sprint.

Before the Vamp could get to me Louis had shifted and picked me up by the shirt and started to run toward the pack house. I screamed as I heard the Vamps' quick footsteps catching up behind us. I held onto Louis fur as tight as I could. Suddenly a Vamp wrapped its gnarled hand around my ankle and ripped me from Louis' grasp.

He quickly tried to turn around and get me back but the vamp had already taken me about a football field away from him. I screamed and thrashed in the Vamps arms as I watched Louis fight the other two Vamps until they knocked him to the ground. His body motionless. I screamed and cried and thrashed some more but it wasn't working.

"Louis!" I sobbed as I watched the two Vamps start to run and catch up with us.

I snapped out of my thoughts when someone shook my shoulder.

"Camille, are you alright? What happened?" Tate asked and I wiped the fallen tears from my cheeks. "I came in to check on you and you were just crying."

"I-I'm fine." I said and I know he didn't believe me but I'm glad he didn't push it.

The memory of me and my brother was from ten years ago. I thought that the Vamps had killed him that day. Maybe when they knocked him out he lost some of his memory. Lost the memories of me and him.

"I'm fine Beta. Can I just be alone for a bit?" I asked still getting used to the idea of calling him Beta.

"Of course." He said rubbing my back in a fatherly way before leaving the room.

As soon as he shut the door behind him I laid down on my bed and let my thoughts consume me as I cried myself back to sleep.

Kaylin's POV

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