Chapter 41: The Nether

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I tumbled to the ground on the other side of the portal. The intense heat sturck me first. I took in my new surroundings. There were lava falls flowing lazily down from the ceiling, weird looking monsters holding golden swords and white jellyfish-like mobs floating in the air. Tommy was warily getting to his feet, his hands bound behind him in some band of fiery energy.

Before I could call out to him, Aly had dashed over to me and bound my hands together as well. The flames of the band, to my relief, did not do any harm. "Where are we?" I asked, glancing around at the fire and lava that made up most of the dimension.

"Welcome to the Nether," Aly said as she sneered and hauled me to my feet. A pair of those wierd looking zombies came up to us and grabbed Tommy and me, pushing us along a well-worn path leading away from the portal.

Now that I was close, I could see that they were actually half-pig. "Zombie pigmen," Tommy whispered as we walked along the path. "Servants of Herobrine. The Nether is Herobrine's dimension."

"Stop talking, little noobs!" Aly shoved us apart and continued along the path.

We were led to the end of the path. A large, imposing fortress of obsidian and a strange dark brick, the tallest towers just inches below the roof of the Nether.

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