Chapter 27: Confused

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I was unsure. What was Em talking about? Nothing made sense. So I turned to the only person whom I knew would definitely have the answers. As Em talked, I heard Herobrine's voice I my mind, telling me the answers to her questions and also to kill her.

But her view somehow made sense. It brought back something from the back of my mind. It was a memory, tickling the back of my mind, telling me to do something. But I just could not find out what it was. When I tried to reach for it, it was blocked by a thing, like a wall, an invisible hand telling me not to do it.

Who put that wall there, and why?

"Why does your so-called master hate me, then?" Em retorted.

But this time, Herobrine did not answer. Was he unsure? But he knew everything.

There was the possibility that he did not even know himself. So I stupidly whispered, "I don't know, Em."

A triumphant smile flashed across Em's face. What was it she was doing?

Herobrine had gone silent. Maybe he was attending to Aly. Slowly, I got up. Then, that was when I realized something wrong with my eyes. Or maybe they were meant to be like that.

They did not feel like the white, empty eyes I had before. My vision wasn't clouded like it had always been, since I had been made Herobrine's second-in-command.

They had turned an aqua blue.

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