Chapter 7: Master's Thoughts

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"Join me, Em," I said. "We can serve Herobrine together after he rules the Overworld."

"Never. Whoever your master is, he's evil. I'm never going near you again!" She turned and ran.


I checked the loot chest. There was nothing left. She had raided everything.

Tommy, go kill her and get the gems back. They can be crafted into a sword more powerful than the blade you possess. Herobrine spoke into my mind, poisoning it with the evil thoughts transmitted through the link he made from the Nether fortress.

I turned on the power of my sword and my footsteps were instantly muted.

Get her.

I rush into the main chamber above, using my super-sonic speed. In a second, I was in the chamber. Em was just leaving the room and out into the jungle.

Get her. Once she is gone, the gems will be gone forever.

I raced out of the temple. I grabbed her shoulders and pulled off her pack. Her sword was immediately whipping towards my face, but my blade was there quicker than I could imagine.

Good. Your powers are getting stronger...

I open the pack and grab the gems out. They were still there. I shove them into my inventory and back away towards the temple once again.

Meanwhile, Em managed to snatch the pack away from my grasp and she was sprinting away. I wouldn't kill her today.

Kill her, and you will  be handsomely rewarded. You will have your own small place in the New Empire to yourself. You will get whatever you wish for. There is nothing stopping you now...

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