Chapter 18: Power

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I stepped through the portal into the Overworld. I was in Herobrine's cave. I opened the pack that was on my back and found my sword and some tools. I wouldn't be needing these tools though. I lit a fire and threw them into the blaze.

They simmered in the flames and crumbled to ashes. I extinguished the fire and walked outside.

That Em is in a treehouse somewhere to the North. I have been sending offers in her dreams, asking for her to join us. But they are not working. Track her down and kill her.

I walked towards the north. It would be quite far if I had not known about this treehouse the whole entire time I was here. I looked up and saw that dusk was fading.

Perfect... I want to show you a new power. It will assist you.

Herobrine hadn't shown me any powers for a long time. This one must have been important.

Wait till the monsters come out.

Finally, as the last traces of light faded over the distant horizon, the zombies rose out of the moist soil, groaning. The creepers came out of their caves and trudged into the distance.

Now, concentrate. Feel the power of the mobs around you. They are your army. Control them, just as I speak to you from my realm.

I closed my eyes and mentally reached out to the monsters. I felt their power in my mind. I felt them stir and my presence, turning towards me, asking me for orders.

I thought of an image: Monsters invading a treehouse with Em in it, the monsters killing the people guarding it.

At once, the crowd of monsters that had assembled around me charged towards the north, and I sprinted at  my lightning-fast speed after them.

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