Chapter 16: The Simulator

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I jogged to the arena to train. After my arm had been replaced by the metallic, cyborg one, I was supposed to go through a set of training courses to get used to fighting in it so that I would not be injured easily.

I got to the arena and pushed open the doors. It was a huge underground chamber, with walls more than 20 blocks tall. Enough room to have 5 pairs dueling at the same time. As usual, my instructor was already waiting for me. Believe it or not, my instructor was a zombie pigman. And I had to learn from this inferior swine person.

We started with the warm-ups, taking turns to slash and parry. Then, he brought me over to another room down the hallway. There were simulator machines there. I stepped into one and the holographic display lit up.

"Select level please." The elctronic voice beeped from the speakers. I pressed my hand down on the controls and selected the most difficult level.

"Extreme mode selcted. Starting in 3... 2... 1..."

I picked up the sword on the simulator and got into a ready stance. The avatar on the display mimicked my actions as I dodged and slashed. The opponent today was harder than ever. I tried to find a weakness in the virtual thing, but there just didn't seem to be one.

I lunged forward again, but too slow. He smashed the flat of his blade into mine and we held there, having an arm wrestle using our swords. I matched his power and then suddenly flung my sword out, slitting his throat in a lethal slash.

"Congratulations, Tommy. You have passed your training on the simulator."

"Well, guess you are ready," the pigman grunted.

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