Chapter 27: Flightless Bird

Start from the beginning

I looked down, hoping I could hear anything that could alert me before sight. The grimmer were there. I knew that. Vilkos and Dariel knew how many.

I needed to focus on the ones leading.

"The second was here, sniffing around the edge of our first barrier," Dariel informed me. "Five lengths off the edge of the trees."

"When the time comes, child.... Will we have the energy to maintain that border?"

"Yes. We will have to find it. But I've told you--" I turned to both of them. "We are not worried for the Knights today. Nor soon. These are grimmer; they have no semblance with the magic our barrier destroys."

"It must be soon, then," Dariel noted, "If the Knight is interested in it."

"Then the Vari will reinforce the series."

Another sound behind us told of a different body. A shifter. Erin.

I cared not to greet him.

The man stood at his full height once at level with my stance. He enjoyed his size. Even flaunted it. He was no elf; that much was clear. He looked across the field as if he could find something with his all-knowing eyes that Vilkos and I would not have. The halfblood's entire energy set my jaw to clench.

"What news?" His eyes dropped to the grey body on the ground, spear of ice protruding in sharp contrast.

No one replied.

I thought of Anaera, and only Anaera. Having Erin stand there suddenly threw my thoughts into another realm of importance, and I wasn't quite sure yet which should be at the forefront of my mind. My arms burned for her. I needed her touch. I needed to know she was safe again, and the only place I knew to accept that, was in my hold.

I should not have left her.

"The wolves are ready, whenever this begins," Erin stated, finding the sound of his voice more important than the silence of strategy passing between the three elves. Again my look was in the ground. Firell jerked slightly, suddenly, southwest.

"There," I announced.

Dariel jumped into his shift and, flanked by a young watcher, moved to investigate. Firell knew where its curser lie.

Erin jerked forward as if to follow, but a hand at his shoulder stopped him. "No," I said. "They will handle it."

A frustrated pass removed my hand and Erin walked back again in the direction of the forest. I sighed. He was a child yet. And like any child, hated the order of his greater.

Firell twirled at my side out of frustration. Gail had been taunting far too long. It was time for one side to strike. And Tailin refused to do it.

Vilkos again pushed his thoughts toward me. My watchers are prepared to handle the beasts. Who will take your side against the Knight?

No one. It is not safe.

The Knights within Dugrai have been calling for you once again. Why do we not answer? They train their lives to defeat the spawn of the Dark Knights.

They're young, I replied, tensely stepping forward. They are inexperienced. We can't --

They know more of this leader than we do!

At his sudden exclamation I jerked -- another form was sprinting from the mist. I heard it before I could see. The shadow had just emerged when I twisted and, with a single backstroke, beheaded the beast. Another form immediately followed -- I used the fog to my advantage until the sword stuck up from chin to the top of its head.

Grimmer (Sequel to Kailin)Where stories live. Discover now