She dont want you

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*Last night, they all said goodbye to Kaelynn. Skipping to the next morning...*

Kylie- Heyy everybody!!!

Everyone else- heyyy…

Kylie- Man… yall sound like zombies!

Roc- Well it is the morning…

Prodigy- Hey, how about we go somewhere for breakfast so we don’t have to cook?

Layla- sure! But… where?

Roc- Oooooo let’s go to IHOP!

Everyone else- Yeah!!!

Layla- Awesome! I’ve never been there!

Kenya- *cough cough* loser

Layla- Whatever!!! Haha imma go get dressed! Kylie... can you carry me up?!

Kylie- UGH! Come on!                

Layla- Yay!!! *they go upstairs with Layla on Kylie's back*

Roc- well… I think I’m gonna go change too!

Prodigy, Kiloni, Kenya, Trevor, and Princeton- same here! *they all left and it’s only Maya and Ray Ray left*

Ray- Maya… now I feel bad for kicking Jacob out

Maya- Well you shouldn’t! I mean you TOLD him to leave Layla alone, that's why we found Kaelynn! Turns out, she really developed feelings for him, so did he but, I guess he still liked Layla. He deserved it bro! Dont feel bad!

Ray- Yeah I know but… he’s always been there for me you know?

Maya- Sometimes Ray… you gotta let friends go. He didn’t respect the boundaries you made, so what you did was the best decision. Not all friendships last forever.

Ray- Yeah I guess you’re right, thanks Maya! You are a really great friend!

Maya- Haha no problem! Well… we better go get dressed before they leave us!

Ray- Oh shoot! Yeah! *they run up to their rooms*

*Skipping to where they arrive at IHOP*

Ray- Are you excited to be here for your first time Layla?

Layla- Yes! I mean I LOVE pancakes so I am super excited!

Kiloni- Well… what are we waiting for?!? Let’s go inside! *they all walk inside… once in there… they hear a voice*


*the whole crew walks over to him*

Kylie- Boy…. Get this through your thick skull… I GOTTA MAN! And hey… your sis isn’t here is she?

Messiah- Oh she is.

Ray- O well umm where is she?

Messiah- Hiding under the table!

*Maya bends down and finds Star*

Maya- wow star… that’s pretty low…you had to hide under a table huh?

Star- o shut up! And stop calling me star… that’s just my stage name… I go by Zonnique!

Kylie- No one cares. Just crawl back under that table and shut up.

Zonnique- I’m not scared of you… I shoved you down remember?

Layla- Well we beat you up! R E M E M B E R?

Zonnique-  Shut up!

Kiloni- Feel free to say that again all you want. Layla’s bat is in the car, and I am pretty sure that bat is familiar with your ugly blue headed self.

Roc- Okay guys… let’s just leave them alone.

Zonnique- NO! I need to talk to Ray Ray!

Ray- I’m not going to… we are over… how many times do I have to say it?!? I have Layla now, and she is WAY better than you ever were! You were as lively as a stick! She knows how to have fun and how to actually enjoy life.

Zonnique- Oh she’s NOTHING compared to me! She’s so ugly!

Layla- Nuh uh… KYLIE!!!!

Kylie- ON IT!!! *You already know what she is gonna get J*

Messiah- Hey… why did Kylie leave?

Prodigy- Leave my girl alone dude… she don’t want you.

Messiah- Yes she does. She just wont admit it! *Kylie runs back in with the bat*

Layla- So… Zonnique… you wanna repeat what you just said? Cause if you say one more ugly thing… you already know what’s gonna happen!

Zonnique- UGH! Come on Messiah! We are out of here!

Messiah- But.. but…

Zonnique- Oh come on! It’s never gonna happen! Come on… let’s just go back to ATL… we’ll have Daddy fix this!

Maya- Umm you know your Dad doesn’t own the world right?

Zonnique- He can do enough… just wait… you guys will pay… ESPECIALLY Layla and Ray Ray! *walks out of IHOP with Messiah*

We Found Love- A Mindless Behavior StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu