Just another beginning

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*Layla, Jordan, Kylie, and Maya are all hanging out at the mall food court talking about Mindless Behavior*

Maya- Hey Layla, have you heard about Ray Ray and Star dating?

Layla- Oh gosh... yeah I have :(

Kylie- Layla, you should have seen that one coming! I mean Star is beautiful, talented, and well... famous!

Layla- You totally know how to make me feel better K.

Jordan- Look Layla, it's okay that he's dating her. I mean hey, at least they arent getting married!!!

Layla- Thanks Jordan! See Kylie... that's how you make a girl feel better!

Kylie- Haha! What ever!

Maya- Hey guys, can we hit up Finish Line? I need some new tennis shoes!

Rest of Girls- Sure! 

*the girls finish eating and head down the elevator. they are about to walk in when Kylie stops them all*

Kylie- Umm guys....

Rest of Girls- What? 

Kylie- Am I losing it or do I see MB over there trying on shoes?

*all the girls looked over. Yes, it was MB. It was actually them!*

Maya- Now everyone, remember, we need to act calm and cool! We cant act like some of those crazy girls when we meet them! 

Layla- I hope I can... sorry if I blow it!

Kylie- You wont, none of us will! And can we go in the store already instead of standing in the doorway like idiots!?!

*they walked through the doors and made their way over to the boys*


Okay I know it's an awful start but it gets better! Comment and follow! 

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