The Perfect Girl

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Kylie- Hmm... so what should we do guys???

Layla- Well... I dont know about yall, but I am pretty tired, so I think I may go to sleep...

Ray- O yeah... everyone that is here right now is spending the night, that includes Jacob, Kiloni, and Kenya

Everyone- Yay!!!

Princeton- Well who's sleeping where?

Ray- Okay... Layla is gonna sleep with me, Maya is gonna sleep with Prince, Kylie with Prodigy, Kiloni with Roc, and those will all be in our own rooms... the rest of you guys will go into the guest rooms in the basement, so I guess that will be Jordan and Diggy in a room, and Kenya and Jacob in a room. Is that okay with everyone?

Everyone- Yep!

Kylie- And i better not hear any suspicious noises guys... dont be freaky!

Maya- Kylie! OMG!

Kylie- What?! 

Layla- Haha, Kenya, you're fine sleepin in a room with Jacob?

Kenya- Yeah! We grew up together actually! Haha that's why I was at his party!

Layla- Oh really?! Haha that's cool!

Prodigy- Okay well... let's go to bed yall!

*everyone split up and went their seperate ways*

*with Kylie and Prodigy*

Kylie- Thanks for the amazing day at the beach Prodigy, I really had a lot of fun!

Prodigy- You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did!

Kylie- Next time though, we should play some volleyball!

Prodigy- Sure! You know Im gonna beat you right?

Kylie- I doubt it! Layla's little sis taught me some moves!

Prodigy- Haha we'll see about that!

Kylie- Haha!

Prodigy- So, do you like MB better than 1D yet?

Kylie- Hmm....

Prodigy- You still cant decide!? We are a BILLION times cooler!!

Kylie- Well, yall are pretty cool... but I think I know what would help me make my mind up.

Prodigy- O really? What?

Kylie- A kiss.

Prodigy- Ooo haha so you're like that huh? Hahaha well okay!

*they both lean in for a kiss, but suddenly two people bust through the room*


Layla- Never!!!!! *her and Ray jump onto the bed and start play fighting with Kylie and Prodigy*

Prodigy- What the heck!?!?! RAY! GET OFF OF ME!!!

Kylie- Hahaha! I got this! *Kylie hits Layla with a pillow and then hits Ray so hard that he flies off the bed and hits his head on the nightstand*

Layla- OMG!!!!!! RAY!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kylie- Well... You know how I do bew bew :)

Ray- Owwwww

Layla- Kylie! You hurt my baby! OMG Ray are you okay?

Ray- Well, my head hurts really bad... but I got a new plan... tomorrow night, we arent gonna attack Kylie and Prodigy, let's get some people who are FUN!

Kylie- We are fun!

Layla-  -__- yeah....... umm sure. Prodigy, can you carry Ray back to our room for me? I'm gonna go downstairs and get some ice for him.

Prodigy- Sure!

*w/ Layla downstairs in the kitchen*

Layla- Hmm... where do they keep the ice packs?

*suddenly Jacob walked in*

Jacob- Oh hey Layla!

Layla- Hey, what are you doing up?

Jacob- Can't sleep... too much stuff is on my mind.

Layla- Oh like what?

Jacob- Well, I keep thinking about my video shoot, and well umm... you.

Layla- o__0 me?

Jacob- Yep,

Layla- Umm, you know Im kinda with Ray right?

Jacob- Yeah I know but... there's just something about you. Ever since I met you earlier, I cant stop thinking about you Layla. I really like you.

Layla- How can you really like me if you kinda just met me?

Jacob- I dont know. Well, you know how we all have that idea of a perfect girl or guy... well someone just like you is my idea of a perfect girl, and I cant just forget about trying just because you are with Ray Ray.

Layla- Jacob... I am really flattered and all but-

Jacob- Yeah yeah yeah... I already know. You have Ray. Well, at least consider it... please?

*Layla didnt answer*

Jacob- *sigh*

*Jacob walked back down to his room in the basement*

Layla-..... OMG...

*Layla ran back upstairs, gave Ray his ice, and they all went to sleep*

We Found Love- A Mindless Behavior StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz