Cuz we like to partayyy!!!

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*Ray's POV*

Layla and I finally arrived at 752 6th Street, the place where Jacob Latimore's party was. This was going to be so dope! I can maybe teach Layla some more dance moves, we can chill out, I can introduce her to people... I just have a feeling that tonight is going to be AMAZING! As we walked through the doors, the first thing I saw was the large dance floor, and all of the people flooded on it as Problems by: A$AP Rocky were blasting through the speakers. Suddenly, Layla and I were greeted by the host.

Jacob- YO RAYY!!! Wassup man!?! *we did the "dude handshake"

Me- Ayee not much man!

Jacob- Wait, hold up. Who is this beautiful girl?! 

Me- This is my girl Layla.

Layla- Hey! Nice to meet you! I am a really big fan!

Jacob- The pleasure is all mine *Jacob bent down and kissed her hand*

Me- Woah there man!

Jacob- Hey bruh, it's all good! When I first saw her tho, I was really hoping she was just your friend or sister! Hey, I even thought u brought her for me!

Me- Hahaha nah bro! She's mine :)

Layla- Hahaha yepp! Im his!

Jacob- Okay! Well have fun guys! I'll catch up with yall later!!!!

Me and Layla- Bye!!!

*Jacob walked over to some new people*

Layla- So... Im "Your girl"?

Me- Only if you want to be! But before you answer, I want you to know that you are an amazing girl and I will always have a special spot in my heart just for you, even if you dont accept.

Layla- Aww Ray! Of course I'll be your girl! You were always my favorite in the group you know! Haha!

Me- Hahaha! So... do you want to dance?

*All Mine by: Jacob Latimore came on*

Layla- Yes! OMG i love this song! But, you are gonna have to teach me still!

Me- No problem! Let's go!

Me and Layla reached the dancefloor, and let me just say this. The girl is an angel. She is so perfect in every way! I feel as if I could tell her anything! As I was thinking about Layla, I was also teaching her some moves. Nothing hard, since it isnt a fast song, but we pretty much just swayed together haha.

Once the song had ended, me and Layla both got lemonades and went upstairs to the upper level so we could stand on the balcony and look at the LA lights in the night time. We finally found it, and we were talking about our pasts.

Layla- Yeah, I've had 2 previous boyfriends, but I regret both of the relationships so much! The first one, I was only in 6th grade and it lasted for like 2 months. It was pretty much a waste of time cause I mean we couldnt go anywhere or do anything! The other one... he was mean to everyone, except me. He was basically the school bully, but nobody told me! All my friends were always acting different, and I had no idea why! Finally, Kylie moved here and she told me as soon as she found out! I broke up with him soon after. I could never date a guy who is mean like that!

Me- Well, you dont have to worry, cause I am not like either of those guys! 

Layla- Hahaha okay! Well how about your past relationships?

Me- Well... I just got out of one about a month ago actually...

Layla- Ohh... let me guess... with Star right?

Me- Yeah. We had a good relationship for a while... then things got crazy.

Layla- What happened?

Me- Well, you know about the concert we had in the Atl over the summer right?

Layla- Yeah, oh gosh that was A LOT of drama! But not nearly as much as when she came over for your birthday! OMG. That was way out of hand!

Me- Yeah well, it didnt really bother me, but it really effected Star. She hasnt been the same since then . She turned... hmm kind of obsessive over me, and I didnt like it at all! She even gave me this watch for my birthday, and I soon later found out that it had a tracking device in it!

Layla- Dang! Well, I feel bad for what happened though!

Me- Same. But I have learned that basically, TM wants us to always appear single. And that's just what we have to do.

Layla- I guess so, even though you arent anymore! ;)

Me- Haha! Yeah I guess not!

Layla- Haha, wanna head back down to the party? I heard my friend that I havent seen in forever is here and I want you to meet her!

Me- Sure! What's her name?

Layla- Her name is Kenya

Me- Cool! Yeah, I want to meet her!

We both started walking down the stairs until Layla stopped and started screaming. Every single person in the room stopped and looked at her. Then I noticed another girl in the crowd on the dancefloor screaming too. Welp, guess that's Kenya! Why girls always gotta scream like that tho!? Hahaha!

Kenya stopped at the bottom of the stairs and Layla and I finished walking down the stairs, and the girls hugged immidiately. 

Layla- Ahh! I missed you so much girl! Where have you been!?!

Kenya- Well, since we split schools I didnt really get to tell you but, I later moved to Mississippi, and welp. Now im back here!!! 

Layla- Yay!!! So did you come here with anyone special?

Kenya- Ehh no... Im searchin tho! 

Layla- Haha OHHH! This is-

Kenya- OMG RAY RAY! 

Me- Hahaha yep! Are you a fan?

Kenya- Yes!!!!!! OMG! Me and Layla always used to talk about yall all the time before I had to move!

Layla- Yep! I was always team trendy, now he's my bf!


Me and Layla- Haha thx!

Me- Hey yall, let's hit the dance floor again, still need to teach you some moves Layla! Hahaha

Layla- Okay! Kenya come too! 

Kenya- Okay!

This night was amazing! I got to see my boy Jacob, even tho he seems into Layla, me and Layla are bf and gf now, and I got to meet one of her great friends! It was pretty great! Layla is truly one of a kind, and I can't wait to tell the guys about this!


Okay, please tell me how it was. I really need feedback and im getting like none. Oh and ayeeee Kenya is in the storyy!!! If you have an ig follow us @be_mindless_mb  cuz we are a pretty awesome fanpage! Haha! Comment, vote, follow!

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