Didn't I fire this bitch a month ago? I suddenly slammed my palm onto the wall beside me, quickly grabbing her attention as she gasped and clutched her chest. I raised a brow in puzzlement before my eyes glanced to the iPhone 6+ in her right hand. 

"What the fuck are you doing in my house?" I spoke lowly while tying my curly mop of hair into a ponytail. This bitch better say something smart, or i'm swinging! She pursed her lips together as she watched me move closer to her before holding up the iPhone to my face. "Just, look!" She pleaded, showing me a screenshotted e-mail of some irrelevant shit. I pushed the phone from my face, not bothering to read it as I stared into the blue contacts she had on. This bitch was a white barbie wannabe in the making, 30 inch straightened platinum blonde weave that hung off her ass, long curly hot pink acrylic nails, and her blouse were always one size smaller showing off her busty, yet fake set of twins. On God, I killed bitches like this. That's why I had to fire her ass anyway, Fredo was the worst manager when it came to me and my needs, that nigga didn't care what I wanted or who I wanted to represent and consult me. It was his dick thinking for him, that's what. 

"Nah, I ain't lookin' at shit, now imma ask one more fuckin' time. What are you doing in my house?" At this point I heard Gizzy come up to stand beside me while holding a steaming cup of coffee in her hand. I contemplated whether to dash it in this bitches face for trespassing and breaking into my home in broad daylight just to show me a fuckin' e-mail. Gizzy sipped on her tea from beside me with a smirk while staring at Ivana. 

"Bitch you done fucked up now." She laughed into her cup before shaking her head. 

"I came because Fredo told me you wanted to hire me back! He called and even sent me an e-mail saying how apologetic and remorseful you were for firing me back in May... But if you don't need me, i'll just be on my way..." She trailed off, and I snorted. Bitch really out here thinkin' I need her- need a style consultant! "Bitch, fuck outta here, ain't nobody need yo' ole iron board body shaped havin' ass." I rolled my eyes while stealing Gizzy's cup of coffee. "Now if you don't get your ass up and outta here, I swear ima-" Once Ivana saw me take the cup from Gizzy she grabbed up her things and scrambled out the door, nearly tripping over her fake red bottoms. We all know she spray paints her stilettos. 

"Gah Damn!" I breathed out an exhausted sigh once she left before turning to Gizzy and taking a sip of her coffee, walking back into my room as she whined and complained from behind me. I plopped back down into bed before reaching over for my Gold Samsung Note 4, fuck iPhone bruh. I hummed while sipping at the coffee and calmy scrolling and ignoring my notifications to call Fredo. It rung out until I sucked my teeth and tried again. This nigga didn't even have a voicemail box, the phone would just end the call on it's own. Finally after the 6th ring, I heard loud music blaring into my ears causing me to roll my eyes, placing the phone in between my ear and left shoulder while going into my walk in closet to pick something to wear for the day. I was due at the Studio at 4 on the dot today, I was collabing with Soulja Boy and wanted to make a good impression; the nigga was fine. 

"Yeah?" He answered while I eyed my True Religion skinnies. 

"Please explain why the fuck Ivana thottin' ass was just over here?" I calmly spoke into the phone while hearing the speakers on his line lower to a minimum. He coughed on the other line while mumbling something to someone over his breath. 

"Cause I sent her, common girl don't act all dumb nah'." I could hear his mocking tone over the phone and I began to grit my teeth. This nigga. 

"Nigga don't fuck wit me right now, aigh'? You know I fired her ass for a reason. If you was a good manager- which you not I-" My jaw dropped as I heard the dial tone on the other line. Did he just... I hung up the phone calmly, my teeth still clenched tightly as I stormed into the bathroom to change out of the oversized UIC sweater I'd never given back to one of my classmates, Travis. I continued to sulk and cuss Fredo under my breath while stripping out of my sweater and shimming out of my lacey panty, placing a shower cap over my head, even though it didn't help much from the curls that still spilled out. I hopped into the shower and lathered myself good, suddenly forgetting about my phone call, and drifting on to other thoughts. 

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