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Yoshiki's pov

My eyes were burning and my chest felt as if it were filled with lead. I could no longer see clearly, all I knew was that she was gone, out of my life forever. Most mornings I wouldn't get out of bed, wouldn't go to school, I didn't care about school...I went out late at night and just looked at the moon.. but that night Seiko showed up, she sat beside me in the green grass. I looked at her and she looked back, her eyes shined brightly against the moon.

"You need to pick yourself up, there are people in the world who love you and don't want to see you like this" She said as she pushed a lock of my hair back, my vision went blurry as a single tear fell from my eye but Seiko wiped it away and smiled.

"Who? Ayumi is gone! What's the point?" I say in a low-spirited tone.

"Me! I care and I love you and I have for a while, why can't you realise that?"

She smiled at me and then leans up and looks at me as if we are about to kiss, I was so nervous I feel my cheeks heat up. A flutter of electricity runs through my body, there was something in those honey eyes that were so beautiful, so safe and warm. In just one look I was home. I think I might have fell for her just as hard as she fell for me. When she talked, the feeling she gave. She didn't know it but she saved me. She came closer and closer I had no idea what to do so I just shut my eyes and hoped for the best... before I knew it we were kissing... My hand drifted to her hip, it settled there and pulled her closer. She was against my warm chest, I became really nauseous as she wrapped her arms around me. I hadn't imagined how warm her lips would feel pressed up against my own.

When sadness was the sea she taught me how to swim, I realised I couldn't escape the decisions I had already made. The bravest thing I ever did wasn't leaving Ayumi, it was continuing my life when I wanted to die and that was down to Seiko, she saved me. She was the half that made me whole.

I'm no longer searching the sky 

for a reason to live,

cause I've found beauty right here

and the passion to give. 



thank you for the love

the end

Corpse party: alternative ending [seishiki] [ayushiki] [natoshi]Where stories live. Discover now