Stranger danger

453 12 4

Yuka's pov

"Hmph, well I'd prefer it if you don't walk literally straight into me, thank you"  Sakutaro says in disgust as he stands up, dusts himself off and gives Kizami the most furious look I had ever seen.

"Yeah.. sorry" Kizami apologizes.

He starts looking at me again, it was kind of weird. I gripped onto onii-chan.

"Have any of you saw my little sister?" He says before staring directly into my eyes.

Everyone shakes there heads no. Kizami puts his hand out kindly for onii-chan to shake and being the awkward person he is there is a giant pause until he finally understands that he is asking for a handshake.

"Uhh yeah, Mochida Satoshi" he says with an awkward smile while shaking his hand. "This is my little sister Yuka" he continues and puts his hand on my back. He looks at me and gives me a huge smile and I smile back, he seems nice enough.

"and you are?" Kizami says while looking at Sakutaro.

"Better than you" comes his reply and looks him up and down. Everyone is in complete shock and Mayu nudges him a little.

"Tch.." Kizami says, he looked furious.

"Why are you still here? Need something?" Sakutaro asks as he pushes his glasses back and smirks.

"Well actually.... I was hoping you'd help me in finding my little sister, you all seem okay.... *cough* most of you seem okay." He says and looks down his nose at Sakutaro.

"Now hold on a minute-"  Sakutaro starts but is immediately stopped.

A girl with green hair that was tied up pretty much just ran into Kizami.

"O-oh, oh my god SORRY! I'm really sorry" She says clearly flustered.

"What the hell? Tohko? Your here too? You seen Kai?" Kizami says in utter shock, and rubs his shoulder.

"Uh hu, uhhh and no well yeah well I uhhh" She looked really embarrassed about something and her cheeks were bright red. Kizami just looks at her with the expression "what?"

Suddenly the whole building began shaking, I hunched down and put my hands over my ears, someone with a white shirt put their arms around me, must have been onii-chan I felt so safe and I was really warm now.

Finally everything relaxed and the building was once again still. It was a different there were smaller holes in the ground and the windows were in different places. This didn't feel real, with one simple earthquake the whole building changes I couldn't get my head round it, I didn't like any of this. I turned around and gave onii-chan a huge hug, I was so scared. He hugs me back and then I realise I'm hugging someone with dark blue hair. I immediately back off and see that it was infact Kizami that I hugged which means he must have been the one who put his arms around me earlier, I got really creeped out. He looks up and down my whole body then suddenly snaps out of it when hears Tohko's footsteps, and just smiles at me like a guilty child.

"S-so sorry...I uhhh" I say panicking, where's onii-chan!? My palms started sweating, as my eyes darted around the room in search for him.

"It's fine" He says with his silky voice. He had a slight smile, and then began observing me again almost like a wolf might observe its pray.

"Where'd everybody go?" Tohko asks. Kizami completely ignores her, she looks down at me with a terrified look on her face and I look back at her with the same expression.

"I need to find onii-chan!" I say worried and flustered. Kizami kneels down and his piercing blue eyes look deep into mine, he then caresses my cheek and grins.

"What will I do with you, hm Yuka?" He whispers gently in my ear and then stands back up. I was so scared, I didn't know these people, why was he treating me like that? Why did he call me Yuka? Are we friends now?

"What the actual fuck Yuuya, she's like 14" Tohko says with wide eyes and looks at him with complete terror. "Why are you acting like this you perv!?" She screeches, she looked absolutely horrified, she then grabbed onto my hand and ran a few steps with me but then she stopped. I turned around to look at her and then noticed her stomach and saw there was a knife coming through. Kizami was directly behind her with a huge grin on his face like a Cheshire cat. Tohko then looked down at her stomach...As Kizami slowly takes the knife out again.

"You asshole.." She says before turning around and kneeing him in the crotch. He crouches down in pain. She tried to run a little further but she gave up there was so much blood and she just wasn't strong enough. She sits down in a corner.

"Go! Run as a far and as fast as you can." She says while suffering in pain. I did what she told me I ran and I didn't stop. I heard her screams in the distance she kept yelling and crying and then it all stopped at once. I had a thought that she might have just been killed. It was Kizami and he was coming for me next. My teeth began chattering and I was shaking so much I couldn't run so instead I hid, I went to the girls bathroom on the top floor because there was no way he would look in there. I shut myself in one of the cramped stalls. It was really dark, I was unable to move. I tried to sit back further but that made noise, breathing did too. My heart was racing and after all that running I couldn't help but breathe. I was so terrified I though it was possible that I could get so worked up that I could just pass out.

"Yuuuukaaaa?" I hear his deep voice say. I jump back from the shock. The door slowly opened. I was wrong, he would come in here...This was it. This was the end. I was going to be killed and nobody would ever know, onii-chan would never find me. My heart was beating so loud and fast I thought he might hear it. The stall door opened, Kizami standing in the door way. That's when everything went black.


So that was quite a long chapter;3

Maybee writing more tonight and the seishiki will continue don't even worry 'bout it

and new characters ohoho

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