Don't leave me on my own

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Ayumi's pov

Who does he think he is!? Telling me he's done? He doesn't get to be done. I just stood there with my arms folded like an upset child having a hissy fit. I was acting like a baby, what was wrong with me? I could feel something wet run down my cheek, what's this? Am I...crying. This just made me angrier, I didn't care about him leaving me! I hate him! How long was I going to keep lying to myself like this? I put my back up against a wall and slid down to the floor into a sitting position. I tried to wipe away the tears but they kept coming like waterfalls. I threw my head back and let myself cry.

"WAAAHHHHH DON'T LEAVE ME ALL ON MY OWN, YOSHIKI!" I wailed. I was so alone...

"Hehehehe" cackled a voice in the distance, maybe it was one of the ghost children. I wanted to get up, I wanted to go away, find Yoshiki but I didn't do anything... Why? Did I love him?

Seiko's pov

My neck burned like fire, but the rest of my body was freezing cold and numb. The pain was excruciating. It was so nightmarish, I just wanted it to go away. I tried to scream out for help but I had no voice, I tried to escape but I had no strength. I suddenly felt myself being lifted up into the air by some sort of force, my neck was freed by whatever was holding it, I franticly gasped for my breath, I could feel my lungs being filled with air. It truly was a strange experience.

"SEIKO, PLEASE BREATHE!!" Someone yelled I think it might have been Yoshiki.

Someone started loosening the tight rope around my neck more so, my neck was now bare. I would have never thought it was possible but I was being saved, I was going to live.

Yoshiki's pov

I lifted Seiko onto the ground and patted her back as she fought for her breathe, after some time she was breathing normally again. She looked up at me with her irresistible honey eyes, which were swollen from all the tears, I gazed into her eyes and she gazed into mine, I swear she was almost penetrating my soul. I pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"A..Are you okay, Seiko?" I asked.

She looked at me with puppy eyes then threw herself into my arms.

"WAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she wailed as she cried into my shoulder, I could feel her wet tears soak through my shirt and onto my skin. I wrapped my arms around her as she tightened her grip. Naomi just watched the whole thing play out in complete shock.

"Se- Seiko..." She sniffled and whimpered, she wiped her tears away with her sleeve. Her eyes glistened from being so watery as the tears kept falling...

Seiko gazed over to Naomi... Her face was suddenly as white as a sheet, her eyes were as wide as dinner plates, a shiver run down her spine. She whimpered and then...

"AAAAGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" why was she so terrified of Naomi?



Also you might have noticed everyone calls each other by their first names and that's because I feel like they are close enough to do that, I never understood why they called each other by their last names in the manga anime ect. they are supposed to be best friends//close friends right??

Keep tuned to see if Seiko runs from Naomi and gets her head chopped again, hm hm;3

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