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Yoshiki's pov

"Hey look! Seiko's student ID card" I said, excited. I was glad we had came across a sign of our friends even just the smallest thing. I picked it hoping to give it to her when we met again.

"Great! Finally progress!" Ayumi replied with a smile. I'm glad she was okay now.

It was just me and Ayumi, we woke up in this strange hellhole filled with corpses. No exit, we felt trapped, but we stuck together like glue. Ayumi went crazy at points, but we got through it. We had been here for only an hour according to my phone, but it felt like forever. We hadn't even explored the top floor yet.

We walked into another room, and there was a door! I ran over to it expecting it to open but it was just like the others, I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. I banged my fists against it.

"Please open goddamn it!!" I pleaded.

"Agh! Shut up you are so annoying!" Ayumi said to me in a deep voice, before squinting her eyes at me.

"Eh?" I asked, confused... what was up with her?

"Even if it did open I would be staying right here! I wouldn't just leave my friends behind! AGHH I HATE YOU, DEQUILENT, PUSSY, COWARD! THE ONLY PERSON YOU CARE ABOUT IS YOURSELF!" She wailed, you could tell how she was scared inside just by the sound of her voice but it was clear she was angrier more than scared.

I had to bite my tongue. What she said was curt but I wasn't going to snap back, I wasn't like that.

"I wish I was with Mochida instead of you..." she said in a forlorn way.

That's when I snapped, my hands closed into fists, eyes unblinking, I couldn't hold it in. I guess I went back on what I thought before...

"You know what? How about you shut the fuck up? Iam tired of this, I'm done!" I replied, that was all I needed to say... I truly was tired with the way she acted with me, treating me like trash ever since we got here, even before that. I didn't love her anymore, why couldn't I see it all along. I'm so stupid.

Ayumi's pov

Huh? What did he mean, he's done? He hates me?

Yoshiki's pov

I walked out of there not caring anymore, fuck she can go find Mochida if she loves him so much. I had to find Seiko...

My first place to check was top floor since we hadn't been there yet, I checked everywhere but the girls bathroom. Well I had to do I went and to my astonishment I actually saw Naomi!

I ran in "Hey, Naomi! Oh my god it's so good to see you!" I called. She didn't answer she was sitting on the ground in front of one of the stalls, her watery eyes were enlarged, all colour was drained from her face, she was or had been through a terrifying experience.

"Naomi...what's wrong?" I asked, I was curious of what had happened.

"" I heard a whispering raspy voice say, it was coming from the stall that Naomi sat in front of. I immediately went over.

In the stall was Seiko, she had a noose around her neck, pulling at it, legs kicking around everywhere. Her eyes were wide with tears streaming down her face, mouth wide open franticly gasping for air, but she couldn't get any.

I didn't have anytime for thinking I immediately put her up onto my shoulders.


Yeah so I hope you like Yoshiki finally fighting back, and you gotta see if he saves Seiko so stay tuned woop ;3

Corpse party: alternative ending [seishiki] [ayushiki] [natoshi]Where stories live. Discover now