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Satoshi's pov

"Here you go onii-chan ehe" Yuka says to me with a bright smile as she passes what looks like a jar filled with caramel balls to me.

"What's this Yuka?" I ask.

"It's a charm! It will protect you from danger you know, annnnd it's caramel. I got it just for you" She giggles then puts her hands behind her back, and starts blushing.

"Thank you, Yuka! I will treasure it" I reply, I'm glad that she is happy normally at a time like this she'd be crying for our mom.

"Ehehe" She giggles there's a pause and then she frowns "Where....are we onii-chan?" She asks me... I wasn't really sure myself. It was dark and I was actually quite scared, I really wished I was with Naomi, I was worried.

"Please don't worry, onii-chan. I know when your worried" She says and leans up to hug me then caresses my cheek and smiles softly. I feel my cheeks heat up.

Suddenly there was a giant earthquake, Yuka gripped onto me as the whole building shook. We could hear things fall and break all around us, Yuka began crying and shut her eyes. I felt so helpless, after what felt like an eternity it stopped. I let out a great sigh of relief and let my muscles relax.

"Mhhng onii-chan can we please go somewhere to rest?" I agreed and we proceeded to find somewhere. Anywhere to take a break. 

We were in the infirmary, I sat down while Yuka was asleep in the bed. The door was opened and before I knew it Sakutaro and Mayu walked in! I was so happy that someone we knew was actually here. I was getting so stressed, this place was horrible corpses around every corner I really wanted to go home but I had to be strong. For Yuka. Sakutaro was carrying Mayu and when I looked a little closer I realised that Mayu was missing an eye!

"Mayu! Sakutaro!" I said.

"Satoshi? It's good to see someone sane...and alive" he says with a sigh and a forced smile.

I stand up and walk over to them both.

"Mayu.. your eye?" I ask, I felt so bad for her, I didn't mean to sound rude but I was desperate to know.

"Nngg" Mayu says before looking down and frowning.

"You've seen the ghosts right? Well...Mayu, she got attacked." Sakutaro answers before wiping away Mayu's tears.

"I'm so sorry, Mayu.. and yeah I've seen a few spirits they talked to us but... never tried to harm us" I reply and swallow hard, did a ghost do this to Mayu. I panicked a little and began to really worry for Naomi, I begged for her safety.

"Well we'd best get a move on. I'd rather try to find a way home and get Mayu to a hospital as soon as I can." Sakutaro says. 

"Yeah, I understand.. uhh, Sakutaro. Do you want a rest? I could carry Mayu if you want?" I ask, trying to be as helpful as I can.

"No" Mayu replies before Sakutaro has a chance to answer "I want to walk by myself, If that's okay. Please don't fuss about me..." She continues as she slides down out of Sakutaro's grip and tries to cover her missing eye with her hand.

Mayu's POV

I feel so ugly, earlier when I went to the toilets to see how I looked I got a fright when I looked in the mirror. It changed my whole face. I had blood all over it. I was so worried that Shig would be scared of me... but I shouldn't be thinking like that, This wasn't like me... I had to stay positive even through everything that had happened. It stung so much I thought I might die, but I didn't.

I watched as Satoshi went over to Yuka to wake her up and then we all exited the room. Shig bumped into someone as soon as we walked out the door and he fell right back onto the ground. I ran straight over to him.

"Oh, excuse me." Says a deep voice, I look up to see. It was a tall boy, he was holding his blazer on his shoulder and had dark blue-ish hair. Someone from a different school

"Who are you?" I hear Satoshi ask.

"My name is Kizami Yuuya from Byakudan High" He replies then looks over to Yuka and smiles, it was almost as if he knew her...



I promise the next one is gonna be better c:

Also sorry for that Yuka x Satoshi tho


Updating tomorrow;3

Corpse party: alternative ending [seishiki] [ayushiki] [natoshi]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن