Welcome Home Autumn

Start from the beginning

Mama McCall pulled down a chair next to me, and my eyes opened to their normal size as they became more adjusted. "How do you feel?"

I took a small sip of my water, letting the cool liquid run down my sandpaper throat. "Weak...l-like I was hit by a train."

She nodded lightly, "You're gonna be pretty weak for a little bit, you haven't gotten to eat or drink anything. Since you've been unconscious everything's been given to you by IV. I'm gonna go get some things so I can check your vitals, and let your parents know you're awake. I'll give you two a moment alone..." She brought her hand down to mine, tapping it lightly. "It's good to have you back, kiddo."

As her body made its way out of the room Stiles scrambled to the seat next to me, his mouth bobbing up and down attempting to find words to say. "Hey, babe. So, did I give everybody a scare?" I asked softly.

He let out a deep breath that I don't think he even knew he was holding in, "You have no idea...I-I can't believe you're awake...it's like a miracle...Do you remember anything about the accident?"

As I began thinking, it was like the accident was more clear than it had been when it actually happened. I could see the road and the giant man standing right in the middle of it. I could remember every flip, every hit, every shard of glass that went into my body, I could remember everything..."Autumn, you okay?"

I jerked my head slightly as I snapped out of my thoughts, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine...I remember everything. There was this giant-"

"Autumn?!" Scott yelled as he skidded into the room. "You're okay!!!"

I smiled lightly, "Yeah...I'm okay...Is anybody else here? Don't you guys have school?"

"No, it's Sunday. But even if we did have school we'd still be here with you anyways...Your mom and Lydia are at home showering but my mom is calling her right now, and Allison is outside talking to her dad about something." I nodded slightly, "Your dad was here, but he had to fly out somewhere on some emergency business stuff. There was this huge scene of him screaming to them over the phone that you were more important, and he was refusing to leave...Anyways, Stiles why don't you go tell Allison that she's awake? I would, but since her dad's out there..."

"Yeah, sure." Stiles said, giving my hand a little squeeze. "I'll be right back, okay?"

I nodded, and he placed a small kiss on my cheek before rushing out of the room towards the waiting area.

Scott grabbed the seat next to me, "How are you feeling?"

I furrowed my eyebrows a little bit, "Strangely better than I did just a few minutes ago, still weak though...How bad was I?"

I watched as he folded his hands together, acting as if he wasn't quite sure what to say. "Autumn, you were really bad...like, just a step away from death, bad...You lost a ton of blood, and you had way too many bad injuries to count-"

"I'm confused...if I was so bad, how am I awake right now? I-" My statement was cut short when the door creaked open unveiling Beacon Hills one and only Alpha, well aside from the pack of Alpha's roaming around the town right now. "Derek?" He walked closer to my bedside, and Scott gazed at me with nervousness all over his face. "Why are you here?"

"Autumn, you were on your death bed...and we did what we had to do to save you. Please don't be angry..." Scott rambled.

"W-What? What are you talking about? What did you-" Then it hit me, Derek's an alpha...I was on my death bed...they had to do what they had to do to save me. "N-No, please tell me...Please tell me you didn't-"

Derek lifted the sleeve of my hospital gown, putting the bite marks on display for everyone to see. My eyes widened at the giant gashes in my arm slightly scabbed over from healing, at least that's what I'm assuming. My stomach was in knots, and I could feel the tears starting to fill my eyes as panic sat in. "Autumn, just hear me out, okay?" Scott said, lifting my head up by my chin so that I would be looking at him instead of the bite. "You were going to die, and I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't go sit at your funeral knowing that there was something that could have been done to save you. We all need you here, and Stiles for sure couldn't lose another person he loves..."

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