Chapter 15

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I was so happy to be back in LA I ran up Jacky's apartment steps and straight to his apartment door. Him and Ryan laughed at my enthusaism to get into their falt. Jacky unlocked the door slowly on purpose and I punched him hard in the arm. When the door was FINALLY unlocked I ran inside and jumped straight onto the couch. Ryan jumped on me almost crushing my ribs "Ryan! Get off!" I screamed as my face was buried into the pillow. He eventually got off me and I decided to go and take a walk around LA. Jacky gave me my phone back and I decided to call Lexus to tell her what had been happening and also another thing I wanted to help her. It rang for quite a while before she answered "Deven! Is that you?!" 

"I'm homeeee!" I cheered 

"I heard all about you going to rehab and I couldn't believe it!" I sighed 

"Lexus you should go get help too you know" I stated she started laughing

"There's nothing wrong with me Deven" I now saw myself in her she was strong on the outside like me but on the inside it was tearing her to bits

"Lexus I know that you are hurting inside, I was there too you know" she laughed again

"You sound like your Mother, now let's go out?" I laughed

"No way Lexus, I'm fine" she laughed again

"Ugh you used to be fun, you shouldn't have gone to rehab" I rolled my eyes

"It's not like I had a say in the matter" I shouted she was starting to annoy me. I now knew how Ronnie felt when he was trying to help me. I sighed "I'll speak to you soon" I said before hanging up. As I saw Ronnie had just pulled up and was making his way over to me "Hey who were you on the phone too?" he asked me 

"Oh just Lexus?" He gave me a look as if to say why! I shook my head "I told her to go get help don't worry I'm not planning anything" Ronnie came and sat down next to me on the bench

"So I was thinking, maybe we could go out for Dinner tonight?" I smiled up at him 

"Sure babe" He smiled

"Well come on, go get ready" he stood up and grabbed my hand helping me from my seat I went up the stairs and went to shower while the guys played Xbox while Ronnie waited for me. 

Once I was all ready I headed into the living room and grabbed Ronnie by the hand pulling him outside "Let's go!" we walked down to his car and headed to where ever we were going to eat. This is the first time me and Ronnie had been out together properly and I was looking forward to it. We went to this really posh restaurant and we were both seated at the far end of the room. I scanned through the menu until the waiter came over "Can I interest you in a bottle of wine" I looked up at him  "No thank you, we don't drink" I said confidently he nodded and then asked us if we were ready to order "Erm can we have a few more minutes" I said still not sure of what I wanted. I looked back down at the menu in front of me. I looked back up at Ronnie who was grinning at me "What?" 

"Nothing" he said shaking his head and looking down at his menu. I stared at him to the point where it made him uncomfortable "I'm just proud of you that's all" he said dropping his menu and taking my hand in the centre of the table. "So what do you fancy?" 

"How about we share a pizza?" I asked him he closed the menu 

"Sounds good" the waiter came over to us and we ordered a peperoni pizza and garlic bread. We were half way through the meal when my phone started buzzing, it was Jacky. I pressed ignore and turned my phone off so that it didn't disturb us again. But then Ronnie's phone started buzzing "Who is it?" I asked him 

"It's Jacky" he turned his phone off "I'll call him later" I sighed and carried on eating my food. "Considering you were only in Rehab for a short amount of time you've done pretty damn amazing!" I smiled at him "Thank you. I guess I know who I have to thank for this" I said giving him a wink and he chuckled. After our meal we decided to head to an ice cream parlour down the road as the desert's their were way too boring and bland and I had a sweet tooth. I sat in one of the booths whilst Ronnie went to get me peanut butter ice cream. He came back and placed the desert in front of me I looked down at the ice cream and noticed something sparkling I dug it out and noticed it was a ring I looked at it thinking it was in their accidently but then I heard Ronnie shuffle over and grab my hands taking the ring out of it and showing it up to me "Marry me?" I was gobsmacked "Really?" I asked him, he laughed at how shocked I was

"I know we've only been together for half a year but, we've been through a lot and I want to be with you for the rest of my life" I was overwhelmed and I nodded letting Ronnie put the ring on my finger. I stood up and went round to the side of the booth he was on and grabbed his face kissing him softly.

We finished off our ice cream a while ago and had decided to just snuggle in the booth until we HAD to leave due to them wanting to close. "Do you want to come stay at mine tonight?" Ronnie asked me I nodded and we went back to his car. Once we were back at Ronnie's we sat up and watched movies until we fell asleep in each other's arms on the sofa. 


Sorry it's so short :( x

My Love For You Was Bulletproof (SEQUEL TO LEAVING HOME)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें