Chapter 4

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My head was throbing, it was like someone had thrown a brick at it. I opened my eyes but closed them instantly as the light from the gap in the curtains burned them. I groaned loudly and grabbed the pillow under my head placing it over my ears. I heard the door open but I didn't move I was trying to think whether I had done anything stupid last night but I honestly couldn't remember anything. How did I get back home? I thought to myself before I heard Jacky say my name "I made you some food and coffee?" The word coffee made me shoot up, just what I needed 

"Thank you Jacky" I said but I saw him empty handed "Can I please have it in bed?" he smiled widely "No, you can come to the breakfast bar and thank Ronnie for looking after you last night" I looked at Jacky and I started to remember Ronnie who had turned up at Lexus's last night. "Oooo shit" I said to myself before getting out of bed. I was still wearing the clothes I had worn last night so I took them off and put on a pair of joggers and a vest top. I put my hair into a pony tail and then I nervously walked into the kitchen and sat at the breakfast bar where Jacky had left my breakfast of a Bacon sandwich and a mug of coffee. Ronnie was sat around the other side, I sat down and picked up the tomato sauce from the middle of the counter and squirtted it onto one side of the bread. I looked at Ronnie "Er Ronnie?" He looked up from his phone at me "Er Jacky said you looked after me last night, so, erm, thank you" I said nervously. he shrugged

"It's no problem" he looked back to his phone 

"I'm sorry if I was a pain" I quickly said before taking my breakfast over to the couch where Ryan was sat drinking his coffee. "Deven you were so funny last night" I looked at him weirdly "you don't remember anything do you?" 

"Of course I didn't I must have been wasted" I shook my head and looked at the television screen 

"So you don't remember kissing me?" I widedned my eyes

"What!" I shouted making Ronnie look over at us Ryan opened his mouth wide

"I was joking" he said finally I punched him in the arm and grabbed my coffee going back over to the breakfast bar "So you don't remember much from last  night?" Ronnie asked me. Wow is Ronnie actually speaking to me first? I thought to myself "No, not really, I sort of remember you being at Lexus's but I don't remember leaving or getting here" I said placing my mug down on the table I looked at the small smirk on Ronnie's face "Why was I really that bad?" I asked him he laughed a bit  "Terrible, but it's nothing to laugh about really" he said seriously this time "It was scary watching you get like that, I should have left you with Lexus" 

"Then why didn't you?" I asked looking at him 

"Honestly? I have no idea" He said getting up from the stool and putting his leather jacket on "I'll see you later Ryan, thanks for letting me stay" Ryan said bye to him and I watched in disbelief as he walked out of the flat. I don't think I will ever understand him he's so confusing.

When Jacky got out of the shower I ran straight up to him "Jacky do you have any idea what happened last night?" he looked at me

"Were you that drunk you don't remember? You went to Lexus's and Ronnie had to go and pick you up at 1 in the morning!"

"Well what time did I get home?" 

"I don't know about 3am you were gone for a while" So Ronnie must have brought me home and spent the night here. So why an earth did he want to help me? Why would he go all of the way to Lexus's to make sure I was okay and bring me home? I was beyond confused considering he was being an ass to me yesterday. "Wait so how did he know I was there?" I asked 

"You left your phone on the counter in the kitchen and I was worried so asked if Ronnie would drive over there as he lives closest, that's all, calm down Deven" I took a breath noticing that I was in fact getting stressed out for no reason at all. I decided to take a shower and then see if Ryan could take me for a drive so I could get some fresh air. 

My Love For You Was Bulletproof (SEQUEL TO LEAVING HOME)Where stories live. Discover now