Chapter 14

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I was put in a room. It was unpleasant and it was extremely small making my claustrophobia kick in. I don't know how long I was going to be in here but I was determined to get better. If not only for myself but for Ronnie too. I wanted to make him feel proud and I knew I could do this. The therapy was long and hard I was put on anti depressants and some other beater blockers to help and they were certainly helping I already felt better in myself.

I was sat at my desk in the room I was staying in writing when someone knocked on the door I turned to look as whoever it was entered, Ronnie was stood there, he out stretched his arms and I ran over and gave him the biggest possible hug I could. "How are you?" he smiled down at me it had been a week or so "We can go into the meeting room you know?" He nodded knowing exactly where I meant and we headed there. Most of the people here had to have their visits watched but I was not one to play up. At first I was upset and angry that I was here so I would try and fight the nurses and things but I had calmed down a lot by the end of the second day "I'm doing really well Ronnie, I can't thank you enough for bringing me here" I replied grabbing his hand. We spoke for a long time about how I was doing and what I thought of the place. When we got onto that night, the 31st of December. I forced a smile onto my face although the memories of that night pained me. The way I broke down, how guilty I felt, how upset I made Ronnie and how he as much as he wanted to  just leave me there in a mess had stayed with me and made me feel better even though the had every right to just go and never come back. He pulled my chin up so that I was looking at him my eyes watered as he stroked my cheeks with his thumbs. "Deven you are beautiful and I can't wait to take you home again" I smiled at him wiping the few spilling tears from my face

"Where are you staying?" I asked wanting to change the subject

"I'm staying at a guy called Omar's place, he used to play guitar for me back when I was in Escape The Fate he still lives out here" I nodded and eventually Ronnie decided it was time for him to go. I kissed him goodbye as he walked me back to my room. 

I was coming on in leaps and bounds, I was determined to get out of this place and go back to living normally again. I had my weekly meeting with my Doctor who pretty much diagnosed everything but today they were bringing my psychologist and the head of the department to see if I was mentally ready to face the outside world again. I was called into the room and I sat down on the plastic chair next to my psychiatrist. They began to ask me all of these questions about how I was feeling in myself and stuff eventually they told me they would have the decision by the afternoon. I thanked them and headed over to the main living area where I found my notepad. I didn't really socialise with anyone here as they were far more messed up than I was. Some of the girls here had been in here for years I was glad to have only been here for a few months but there stories made me tear up a lot of the time. The only times we all properly talked was in therapy sessions and a lot of them were all very scary looking especially the one's on my floor. We all had the same sort of problems Drinking and Drugs. The floor below was the one that got to me the most, they were all a lot more sweet looking apart from they were all going through something different, like self harm and eating disorders. I spent most of the day in the main area waiting impatiently for lunch time so I would know whether I was allowed to be let out of here or not. Eventually the head of the floor came in and I rose to my feet nervous as to what they had to say she indicated me to follow her and I did. We sat in a room away from everywhere else and she looked at me before she spoke "Well we have the verdict and we think you're fine to leave" I smiled widely

"Thank you so, so much!" I squealed excitedly glad to be getting out of here 

"There are a few conditions though" I looked at her quizzingly "You need to report here once a week so that we can do checks to make sure you're sober etc etc" 

My Love For You Was Bulletproof (SEQUEL TO LEAVING HOME)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن