Chapter 23

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We were finally on the flight unfortunately we were on the same flight as every other LA based band, including Falling In Reverse. I took my seat right behind Phillip and Aaron. Michael and DJ were sat either side of me, "You feeling better?" Michael asked me as he fastened up his seat belt 

"Fine" I replied as I grabbed the in flight magazine from the back of Aaron's seat. I caught sight of Ronnie, Ryan and Derek as they all sat in the seats next to our row. Dj had his feet up on the back of Phillips seat and was rocking it which was realy pissing Philip off. I pushed DJ's legs down and he placed them back on the floor "Do you have your make up on you, you look like death" I pushed him playfully before going in my bag which was under my seat I found my makeup bag and handed it to him "Make me beautiful again!" I beamed at him pushing my hair back out of my face. He grabbed my eyeliner and foundation I don't know why I trusted him to do my make up but right now I wanted to be distracted from looking over at FIR. I grabbed the mirror from DJ's hands and looked, he'd actually done a pretty good job "Thank you DJ"

"anytime" I caught a glimpse of Ronnie and my eyes froze on him for a second before he looked over I blinked away and carried on reading the magazine that was in front of me. Michael tapped my arm and pointed to DJ "why is he talking to Ronnie?" I looked over at him and they were indeed talking DJ stood up and so did Derek, they swapped places and I widened my eyes as Derek pulled me into a hug "Long time no see Dev, dev, how are you?" I smiled at him

"I'm okay, how about you after your breakup?" he smiled

"Well we're back together now, was all a big misunderstanding" I rolled my eyes but made sure he didn't see "Why are DJ and Ronnie talking?" I asked him looking over at DJ who was in a deep looking conversation with Ronnie. Derek shrugged and I leaned back in the seat as it was time for take off. DJ stayed there for the whole flight "Derek I need to grab my stuff from Jacky's" he looked down at me "Why where are you going?" 

"I'm moving in with Michael for a bit" I replied "But some of my stuff is still at Jacky's so I'd like to collect it" The flight attendent announced that we were landing. I pulled my bag out from under the seat and placed it on my lap "I'll speak to Jacky, I don't see why he wouldn't let you" I thanked him and stood up as Michael followed me down to the exit. I stepped off of the plane and we went straight inside "We're home!" Michael yelped excitedly. We waited out front by the taxi's for ages waiting for DJ to make an appearence.

We caught site of him striding over to us with the rest of FIR I sighed knowing this couldn't be good, Kat was with them too. I edged closer to Michael as they approached DJ stopped next to us and then the rest of FIR carried on walking towards their cars. I watched after them before DJ grabbed me into a rib crushing hug "Ouch!" he kept me there for a little longer

"Why didn't you tell any of us?"

"UGH!" I screeched untangaling myself from DJ's arms "What did Ronnie tell you!" 

"About your struggle with alcohol" I looked down at the ground

"He's bullshitting" I replied before following Michael into one of the taxi's. 

We were soon back at what I presumed was Michael's house. "Do you all live here?" I asked them "Yeah except Aaron" I presumed that seeing that he wasn't in the car with us. I followed Michael in, DJ and Phillip not far behind. "DJ show her around" Michael shouted as he went back out to grab our cases from the back of the taxi. I followed DJ inside "So this is the door" I laughed at him

"I can see that" I replied, Michael came by and punched him in the arm Laying the cases in the porch. Their house was very disorganised and a lot different to Falling In Reverse's apartments. I went into the living room and sat down on the sofa "So you're on the sofa cause this is only a three bedroom place" I rolled my eyes when Micheal came in "No you can sleep on the sofa she can have your room" 

"NO WAY, my drugs are in there" Michael rolled his eyes

"Then we'll share" I said cheekily to him 

"Hmm I think I can deal with that" he replied dumping himself down next to me and putting the TV on "You have to obey my rules though" I looked over to him 

"Well why don't you go and make yourself useful by writing a list, then you can drive me to Jacky Vincent's apartment and I can get my stuff" He gave me a kick.

"Fine but if you break any of my rules you'll be punished" he grabbed a notepad and pen from the table in front of us before he started to write down his list of rules

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and texted Jacky telling him I was coming over to get my stuff "Come on DJ we're going to go get my stuff" I pulled my shoes on and stood over him

"Hold up blondie just let me finish this list"

"Bloody hell DJ how many rules do you have?" I snatched it from his hand and folded it up putting it into my back pocket "Come on, please!" he eventually got up and pulled his cowboy boots on, he unlocked his car which was a pretty modern Ford Fiesta. I got into the passenger seat and fastened my seatbelt. I'd only known DJ for a few weeks. He hadn't been there the first time I met with Vampires Everywhere! with Lexus, but he had to have been the funniest out of the lot of them. I don't think he could be serious if he even wanted to. "So where am I going?" 

"Just get on the highway and I'll tell you where to pull off okay" I answered him sarcastically. He was a really fast driver and it scared me "DJ, you don't have to drive so fast, I'm not in a rush" he laughed

"Well I am, why don't you read the rules" I grabbed the piece of paper from my back pocket and unfolded it. 

1) Don't touch the draws next to my bed 2) Don't touch my drugs unless I say so 3) My side of the bed is the left, you have to stay on the right "There's only three rules? these are all pretty pathetic too" I stated screwing the piece of paper up and throwing it into his lap. He scowled at me before I realised we had just missed the turn off we were meant to take "DJ we missed the turn off!" I shouted "You distracted me" he groaned and hit his head on the stearing wheel which kind of scared me "DJ please watch where you're going" 

"I'm an experienced driver, Deven, I won't crash or nothing" I looked out of the side window as he pulled over "I need to pee" I rolled my eyes at him as he got out of the car and went to the side of the road. I looked away and flicked through the radio stations until I found one with some decent music on it instead of boring talking DJ returned and looked across at me before wiping his finger across my upper lip "I didn't wash my hands" 

"Ugh DJ that's disgusting!" he laughed half heartedly before pulling back out onto the road "Just turn around and get off at the next junction" I stated. 

We finally pulled up at the apartment "I'll be like 10 minutes maybe less" I said before closing the door of DJ's car. I walked up the steps and knocked on the door "You took your time" Jacky said as he appeared in front of me "Yeah we got lost" I stated before he moved out of the way to let me in, I went over to my room and grabbed my belongings as Jacky grabbed me a bin bag. I thanked him  as he opened the bag for me. I dumped all of my belongings in it before tying it up and slinging it over my shoulders and leaving the room. "Bye" I said as I got to the door but the door had already been closed shut. I groaned before walking angrily back down to DJ's car, I got in and slung the bin bag into the back "Finally"

"I was meerly 7 minutes" I said looking at the clock on the dashboard. I redid my seatbelt and we headed back to the VE household as I will call it from now on...

My Love For You Was Bulletproof (SEQUEL TO LEAVING HOME)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat