Chapter 26

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So this is the next chapter :) thank you to everyone who is reading and voting and commenting I love you all (I'm dedicating this chapter to @starlightFire10 becasue they are the first to vote on each chapter :)


Adam had followed Tray and Kelly down to the Training room to work the control desk for them,

“You didn't have to leave your game” Kelly said,

“It's fine I was losing anyway, I'm rubbish at that game” he explained causing Kelly to laugh, “How can you be bad at Rock, Paper Scissors?” she asked,

“I guess I'm not lucky” he suggested,

“No I'm not lucky” Kelly grumbled walking into the training room where Tray was waiting. “So, where do we start?”she asked,

“Well I think we'll start simple, Let me explain your gift a little bit first” he said and Kelly sighed, “Well as you know you have and extra part to you gift, which is telepathy” he started, “It's quite a complicated power as there are unlimited ways of using it. The basic use is communication though your mind and reading minds, which then can become mind control.” he explained and Kelly pulled a face at the mention of mind control, she didn't agree with forcing people to do something against their will. “So with that said lets see if you can read my mind” he challenged, Kelly smiled and closed her eyes feeling around her with her mind. She could see blotches of colour within the blackness, she tried to look inside the first and realized that it was Adam, she saw what he was looking at and could hear him thinking, he was worried about something.... his mum.... she was in danger and he didn't know how he could help her. Pulling away from Adam's mind feeling guilty for listening into his thoughts, she composed herself and tried to search for Trays mind, finally finding it she entered it.

“Well done, try to read my mind” Tray said feeling her invasion, Kelly searched though his mind until she could hear his thoughts, “Well done Kelly, now I'm going to make it a little harder so brace yourself” he thought and suddenly Kelly was pushed from his mind, “This time I am going to fight to keep you out” he said, Kelly tried again to attach herself to his mind but she couldn't quite reach it, she pushed her self harder but all she could get was Adam's thoughts, She tried once more but this time she could hear Jenny, Rachel, Adam and Zack. Pushing past the other thoughts she searched for Tray's mind trying to find it in the confusion. “Keep trying” Tray encouraged, “I will make it a little easier” he said causing Kelly to burst out her objection, “No, I can do it, don't go easy on me” she snapped fuelling herself to try again. In the distance she could see Tray's mind, if she just reached a little more she could touch it, putting all her energy into it, she finally grasped onto his mind causing Tray to clap. “Well done,” he said happily. Kelly released herself opened her eyes with a sigh. Tray looking at her with pride in his eyes. “That was very good Kelly” he said, “I think you should rest now that must have taken a lot out of you” he said,

“No, I'm fine lets continue” Kelly protested and Tray looked into her eyes thoughtfully,

“Alright then,” he agreed warily, “So now that you can connect to others minds you can hear their thoughts and communicate with them, you can also use mind control to make them do what you want, to do this all you have to do is put the thought into their head” he explained,

“I don't want to learn how to do that” Kelly said and Tray nodded,

“Alright, then I guess we could work on your transformation gift” he suggested, “You can already transform Earth to Water, Water to Fire, Fire to Air and Air to Earth” he began, “But you can also transform other things, it's limitless what you can create, but obviously the bigger the transformation the more energy it will take from you.” Tray warned, “So try to turn my shoe into something” he said taking his shoe off and placing it in front of her.

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