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The doors to the Joker's room were busted open as Zayn and Louis came in with Zayn carrying the hostage over his shoulder.

"Here's your new son." Zayn said in a teasing matter with an eye-roll as he placed Niall on the chair near his father's desk. Niall was just started to regain conscious as he was placed on the chair.

Yaser turned around from looking out the one-way glass and faced the blond boy.

"That's him?" Yaser asked with a small frown on his lips. He took out the only photo he had of the boy and compared the two.

"Obviously." Louis said scoffing at his father with an eye roll.

"He looks smaller in person." Yaser said his hazel eyes staring intensely at the boy then whispered, "Very twink like"

"He is quite small." Louis agreed but got cut off by Zayn laughing.

"Louis, you're small too." Zayn butted in making the boy frown.

"Shut up." Louis said as he punched Zayn hard in the arm. Zayn mumbled a small 'ouch' as he rubbed the area Louis hit.

"Well, good job boys." Yaser said while nodding at his sons. "I'm sure you killed his parents too, I suppose?"

Niall whimpered at the mention of his parents death, he thought they had a deal. He goes with them in exchange for his parents safety.

"Well, no we didn't." Zayn said which made their father knit his eyebrows together, he wanted them dead for lying to him all those years. Niall just sighed in relief.

"What? What do you mean you didn't kill them?" Yaser yelled to which his two sons just rolled their eyes.

"It means we didn't kill them." Louis said in a sassy matter. "But don't worry pops, we threatened them. If they mention this to the authorities we will go back to kill them with no hesitation. Let them see their mistakes." Louis said with a smirk in his face.

Niall hoped his parents don't mention this to the police, they're still his parents and he cares for their well being even though his own life is probably as stake.

"Next time you don't fully go along with the plan I'm killing both of you." Yaser said in a jokingly matter but you could still hear the seriousness in his voice.

"Un-gag the boy." Yaser said to Zayn since he was closer to Niall while he motioned to the boy in front of him. Zayn un-gagged Niall and took of his blindfold.

Niall's blue eyes quickly scanned over the room before his eyes landed at a middle aged man who probably in his late 30's to early 40's.

"Hello my boy, what's your name?" Yaser asked as he walked closer to the boy who just turned his head to look at the ground.

This movement angered Yaser so he grabbed the boy's jaw roughly and lifted up his head to face him.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you, boy." Yaser spat out. "That's very disrespectful, didn't your good for nothing parents teach you any manners?"

"T-They're not good for n-nothings." Niall hissed out on the verge of tears. I'm not going to cry, Niall thought as he blinked the tears away.

"There you go boy, now tell me your name." Yaser said pleased while he loosen his grip on the blond's jaw and fell to his side.

"Niall." The blond said just a whisper. "Niall James Horan."

"You do know why you're here, kid?" Yaser asked as he leaned against his desk while Niall just nodded.

"Yes I do, and I'm not a kid; I'm an adult." Niall said loudly making sure this old man heard clearly.

Yaser narrowed his eyes at Niall before he gave his two sons a confused look.

"Uh, He's eighteen, basically an adult." Louis said.

"And legal." Zayn butted in with a smirk while wiggling his eyebrows at Louis.

Yaser shook his head, before chuckling lowly. "My apologies Niall, from the way you look, you look at least 15."

"Hopefully his dïck doesn't look fifteen, eh Zayn?" Louis whispered lowly so only Zayn could hear as he nudge the raven haired boy.

Niall gave Yaser a hurt look before looking down at his appearance. "I don't look that young, do I?" Niall thought to himself before shaking his head.

"So, what are your plans for Niall pops." Louis asked.

"Well, I was gonna train him at a young age but that backfired." Yaser said, thinking for a moment. "And we can't train him now, or else he'll might escape and or go against us."

"What do you think boys?" Yaser asked his two sons but before they could even respond Niall cut them both off.

"Maybe, you should let me go home and I swear I won't tell anyone about this." Niall said nervously for cutting off Zayn and Louis.

Niall's nervousness went away went they started to laugh.

"Oh Niall you're such a joker." Louis said as he walked up to Niall and messed up his blond hair.

"Yeah... but not our type of joker." Zayn whispered then softly laughed at his own stupid joke.

"I've got it." Yaser suddenly said as he snapped his fingers.

"What?" Zayn and Louis asked in sync.

"Niall here can be your personal maid." Yaser said then nodded with his own answer. "Yes, a maid. He'll clean only your rooms and bathroom, as well as your laundry."

"What no, I don't clean for other people." Niall said

"Well, looks like you're starting to clean for others today, cause we don't do freeloaders." Yaser said with a scoff.

Niall wanted to say something back but decided it was best to keep his mouth shut.

"Does he have to wear the uniform?" Louis asked to which his father nodded.

"Yes, think of this as an internship." Yaser said with a half smile on his lips. "But, you must stay on this floor only, you will only go outside if you're told to by either me, Zayn or Louis. Food and clothing will be brought to you daily one of our workers, understood?"

"Oh, great nothing new." Niall mumbled to himself. His parents never let him go outside unless they told him he can and if at least one of them was with him; and everything was brought to him by Annabelle. Same old, same old (shhh, but a different day ;).

"What was that?" Yaser asked with a stern tone as he raised one eyebrow.

"Nothing, I said okay." Niall responded with a frown.

"Thought so." Yaser said, "Take Niall to the guest bedroom with the security bars on the windows." the two sons nodded their head and escorted Niall to his temporary room.

"Enjoy your stay." Louis said with a cheeky smile as Zayn untied Niall's wrist before the two brothers left, leaving Niall alone in a locked room.


Zayn was drunk last night omg my baby, LOOK AT HIM! (picture on the side!) HE LOOKS SO CUTE AND HOT WTF !!!!

Follow my twitter: girlyziall :D !!

Dedicated to: @_bluntlesszouis_

QOTD: What's your favorite food?
My Answer: tacos and lasagna!

-comment (#NiallsNewHome)

- Ari :))))

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