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two days later...

It's been two days since the two brothers got their new mission to kidnap this 17 year old boy.

They planned out a reckless plan, that crazy enough can still work. They showed their plan to their father who just laughed and said, "You boys love to have fun, just like your old man."

They got in their black Nissan GTR and drove to the Horan's home, being careful not to draw police or public attention.


"You're gonna be okay all by your self." Maura asked Niall who just nodded.

"Yes mommy, and plus I'm not gone be by myself. Im gonna be here with Annabelle." Niall said with a smile as he side hugged their housemaid.

"Don't worry about Niall, he's safe in my hands." Annabelle said with a trustworthy smile on her face.

"Okay, we're just going to pick up Niall's birthday cake. Ooh my baby is 18 already." Maura said pitching Niall's already red cheeks as Bobby just laughed.

"Mommy just go, I'll be in my room sleeping anyways, wake me up where you're back." Niall said and waved their family goodbye.

"We'll be back soon son," Bobby said to which Niall just nodded and ran up to his room.

He didn't understand why they acted like that anytime the left the house. They act as if it were the last time they'll ever see Niall.

With the thought in his head Niall just shook his head and drifted off to a small nap.


Zayn and Louis were on top of the Horan's roof wearing all black and wearing creepy face paint, somewhat identical to their fathers signature joker paint but in black and white.

They are waiting for the perfect time to attack. Their car parked across the house for an easy getaway.

Once both Maura and Bobby were in their car they and driving away to the bakery they decided to take their action. Zayn and Louis both knew they didn't have much time because they only went to pick up a cake and a few other goodies for their son's birthday leaving their maid in charge of the house and the boy.

They jumped down to the second floor balcony then to the first and quickly slid inside the garage before the garage door closed completely.

Zayn quickly picked the lock on a wooden door and slowly opened the door about just to look around. They were in the kitchen and he saw the housemaid wiping the kitchen counter.

With a small hang gesture Louis handed Zayn a small tranquilizing gun. Zayn quickly grabbed it and tranquilized the maid before she could even gasp at seeing Zayn.

"She's out, let's go." Zayn said and turned on his stealth mode as he carefully walked up the stairs.

Louis looked at the clock and saw they had at least ten minutes before Maura and Bobby came home.

"10 minutes" Louis whispered to Zayn who just nodded as he reached the top of the stairs.

They each slowly opened a few doors before the found the right one. They softly creaked the door open to see a mop of blond locks sleeping peacefully on the bed. His front facing the boys.

"Is this him?" Zayn asked observing the blond boy.

Louis took out the picture he has of their mission target and compared the two, "yup." he concluded.

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