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It's been almost two weeks since Niall was taken away from his parents and became Zayn's and Louis' personal maid.

Days and days of cleaning their messes, it's like one minute is clean then the next it's dirty as turns back around.

He's trying his very best to bite his tongue and keep his snarky remarks to himself because he does not want to get hit. They're both pretty rude and mean but Louis is meaner while Zayn is a bit sensual towards the blond boy.

Today was laundry day, the worst day for Niall. The only brights side about today was that Niall didn't have to wear that stupid thing called a uniform; since he only had two pairs of it and he cleans clothes every three days.

Niall doesn't really speak to anyone since he practically hates everyone in this mansion, so after breakfast he quickly made his up to the 6th floor. The blond was panting heard when he made it up there, they didn't let him use the elevator either since it was 'a privilege he had to earn'.

Niall didn't look where he was going and he accidentally bumped into a strong body. The blond was harshly shoved to the nearest wall as he heard the click of guns reloading then all were pointing at him.

Niall looked up angrily but his anger quickly flushed away when he saw it was Yaser, aka The Joker.

"M-Master-- Sir- err, Joker?" Niall stuttered out not really knowing what to call this man. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see where I was going a-and--"

"Shut up." Yaser said, his English accent strong and intimidating. "Just watch it next time boy."

Niall nodded furiously, he was so scared that he felt that he about to shit his pants as the guns were still aiming at him.

"Tell my sons to get training, I have a task for them in a few days." Yaser said sternly before walking away. His wall of big buff bodyguards following along.

One bodyguard in particular slowly turned to face Niall, he pointed to his eyes with his pointer and middle finger before pointing to Niall's eyes as if he was silently saying 'I'm watching you.'

Nial nervously gulped before getting up and dusting his sweats. Niall shook his head and knocked on Louis' door since it was the closest. He waited for a response before walking in.

"What?" Louis snapped as soon as the blond walked into his room, Niall flinched a bit at the sudden scream.

"I'm just here to collect your dirty laundry, master." Niall whispered but Louis still heard. The older lad got up and kicked the basket where he kept all his dirty clothes at to the blond.

The basket fell over making a some clothes fall out. With a sigh Niall got down to his knees and put the clothes back inside the basket.

"Anything else?" Louis asked towering over Niall making himself look bigger even though they're the exact same height.

"Your father wants you to train for a task he's going to assign you in a few days." Niall informed as Louis just nodded. Louis walked towards the door almost stepping on Niall's hand, thank God the blond's reflexes acted fast.

Once Louis was at his door he turned to the blond who held his hands on his laps before leaving the room with a smirk.

"Jerk." Niall mumbled to himself with an eye roll before getting up and dragging the basket to the criminal's personal laundry room that was in the same floor as their rooms.

Niall dropped off Louis' dirty laundry before stopping at Zayn's door, he knocked and quickly got a response before he barged in.

"Ah if it isn't clean-buns," Zayn said with a smirk as he leaned against the frame of his bed.

"That's not my name, master." Niall whispered softly making Zayn smirk wider.

"Well you like to clean and I like your buns." Zayn said with a wink. (if you know where I vaguely got this from you're fucking cool!)

"I don't even like to clean." Is what Niall wanted to say but instead he just blushed and put his hands behind his back in an attempt to cover his buns.

"I'm just here to collect your dirty laundry to clean, do you have any dirty clothes, master." Niall said then saw a couple of shirts and pants on the floor. Niall bent over to pick them up and put it over his arm giving Zayn a perfect view of his buns.

"Mmm, you keep bending over like that and I'll give you more dirty clothes in a few minutes." Zayn said huskily as he slowly spread his legs open and placed one hand over his crotch.

"Your father want you to train for a task he's going to give you in a few days." Niall stuttered out wanting to change the topic, the blush on his face turning deep red by the second. The blond awkwardly stood in the middle of the room, his bottom lip caught in between his teeth under Zayn's intense stare.

After a moment of silence Zayn pointed at the hamper that was next to his wooden desk. Niall slowly nodded placing the dirty clothes that he had around his arm and in with the rest.

"You should know that Master Louis is probably waiting for you-" Niall got cut off by the door slamming shut loudly making him flinch. The blond turned around and saw Zayn was no longer in the room with a sigh he picked up the basket and took it to the laundry room.

He separated his, Zayn's and Louis' clothes from each other as well as spearing them from by color. Whites, colors and darks.

He may not know about washing clothes but he's learned a thing or two from Annabelle. Speaking of the maid made him wonder if her job was just as hard as the work he did for Zayn an Louis.

His mind started to wonder off to his parents, he really misses them. He wonders if his friends also miss him too.

Ha sike, he was home schooled he had no friends because of his very overprotective parents and now he knows why they didn't allow him to have friends. He wished he had at least one friend but he's kinda glad he doesn't since they would probably be worried sick about him.

Niall snapped himself from his thoughts and continued his work, washing up everyone's clothes as well a drying them in the dryer.

Niall loved the way clean and dried clothes felt and smelled, it was so warm and it smelled like a pure flower meadow. (Literally me likeee)

The blonde folded the boy's clothes before putting it in their basket and left it at the end of their beds.

Niall was glad that the criminal brother were training because after he finished the laundry he did nothing for the rest of the day, it's like he had a day off or something.

"Can it be like this everyday?" Niall thought to himself as he relaxed into the soft blanket and pillow of the bed.


Hey guys, check out new story it's called Roxanne it's a ziall/narry au :)

Dedicated to: @Abrar_abdin

QOTD: how old are you? :)
My Answer: 15 :B

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