Chapter 19

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Aaron's pov

I ran out on stage as my name was called, girls started screaming really loud and i smiled know how i've impacted most of these girls lives. We just started off with goofing around.

Then lipgloss came on and it was my time to shine, well for Ayanna anyways. I started doing the dance as soon as the beat dropped, I looked over at her to see her doing the dance as well, but her back turned to me. As soon as she turned around she saw that I was watching her and laughing, she immediately started smiling and looking down embarrased. God she was so cute.

-20 mins later-

I was sitting on the couch backstage with Ayanna under my arm. "you were so cute when you were dancing with us" i said as i smiled at her. she giggled, "at least i was dancing better than you" she smirked, i just shook my head and stared at her. she was look the other when she turned and said " you did a great job when you sang that song, wanted is one of my favorite songs." i thanked her and smiled my "award winning smile" as she calls it. She leaned in and kissed me. we were making out for a good 10 mins until we heard faint shouting. we broke the kiss and looked over to see Jodi and trevor arguing, but trevor was yelling at jodie. Hayes then walked over and jodi was looking stressed.

"ill be right back" Ayanna said, i unwrapped my arms from around her so she could get up.

Ayanna's pov

I got up from Aaron's embrace and walked over to see what the commotion was all about.

as i was walking up I heard trevor say some thing about jodi having to choose, oh god, don't do this trevor, jodie does not want you.

"it's..." i heard jodi say, but i interupt her, "whats going on here?"

jodi looks at me with pleading eyes as if she's telling me to help her.

"i took jodi out on a date, and i know we have something, I'm irresistible, and then i saw her making out with hayes after his performance, so I'm making her choose between us." i shook my head at him. 

"are you serious right now trevor? your irresistible? um no, if you were we would both be all over you but do i look like I'm all over you right now? no, does jodi look like she's all over you right now? no, she's over there standing with hayes, which is the person she wants to be with, not someone who has there head so far up their ass that their too stubborn and selfish to see someone who doesn't want to be with them. she chooses hayes and thats final, uh buh-bye"

He scoffed and walked away, "omg thank you so much, i wouldn't have been able to do that" jodi said as she hugged me. "any thing for you girlfriend" i said as i smiled and squeezed her tight. she walked over to hayes and hugged him too. i softly chuckled then gasped when i felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. i relaxed when i saw it was just Aaron. He put his face into my neck, "that was nice what you did for jodi"

"anything for my best friend" i replied.

"plus, you look really hot when you get mad" he says into my neck also. i blush immediately and put my hands over my eyes. Aaron turns me around and kisses my nose. Life is great.


hey guys! i had a lot of fun writing this chapter, so i hope you guys enjoy this!!

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