She smiled, nodded in agreement and rose.

Chase watched her beautiful slender figure until she departed into his suite.  He could not put his finger on it.  But his gut feeling told him there was trouble in his paradise. His intuition was never wrong. It’s what had made him the astute businessman he was. He was not just a developer involved in building projects.  He had millions invested in stock markets all over the world. He always relied on his gut on what was a good deal and when one was not, and it had never failed him. That same gut told him that Sidney was his perfect mate, yet recently, especially in the last two months he had sensed her withdrawing from him. It had always made him feel ten feet taller, when ever she would whisper that she loved him.  Yet in the last two months she had not uttered those sweet words. And what right did a CAD like him have of even questioning her, when he never once uttered those words to her?

But how could he?  Marriage was not for him. No.  He would live with Sidney for the rest of his life, if she would have him.  But he could not risk marriage. He wished Sidney would tell him, why she held out. He’d tried damn it.  Even in bed, the one area of their relationship that was not affected, he tried to wield a response, but she would just smile, and tell him, she was fine.

Yes sex was beautiful between them, just as it had been the very first night he made love to her.  She still gave her all in bed, but somehow she had changed. It was not in anything she had said.

She respected him.  Never demanded more than he gave.  Never questioned his inability to reciprocate her love, but something was diminished.

Sidney slipped on the flowing soft silky gown. She was amazed how the ice blue silk complimented her hazel eyes. Her hair was all tied up, a few tendrils hanging low to give her a classic look, her hair also styled that way to enhance the view of the matching platinum earrings Chase had bought her. Sidney gasped as she looked in the mirror. She could not believe that was her reflection.

The gown was stunning. No words could adequately describe the priceless, and striking beauty of the diamond necklace. This is the life she would be accustomed to if she was Chase’s wife.
But it is never to be!
She reminded herself.

She had held a certain amount of hope before meeting Chase’s family at a barbeque held to celebrate his mom’s birthday three months ago. And when Chase’s mom had dropped her bombshell, everything fell into place.

Sidney was taken aback, when Chase’s mom slipped her hand into Sidney’s and invited her to take a walk. Sidney had thought she was going to get a lecture about how unsuitable she was for her favourite son, but instead was taken aback by the confession she got instead, “Don’t be too harsh on Chase,” Julie Rennard had said, and when Sidney invited clarification, “It’s my fault Mike and Chase are afraid to marry.  You see I was involved in an extramarital affair.”

Sidney had been almost speechless, and had remarked,  “Julie are you sure you should be sharing this intimate information with me?”

But Julie had just shaken her head and said, “I know you love my son.” Sidney had silently cringed and lowered her head.  

“It’s in your eyes Sidney,” she had smiled supportively, “I also know Chase is afraid to marry a woman, who may be unfaithful in his absence.”

 “But__” And when Sidney wanted to say something, to dispute her thoughts, Julie merely added, “You see Chase’s dad traveled just as much as Chase does now. The children were young, I was alone so often, so lonely. And it happened once.  Just once.  But I could not live with the lie and confessed it to Paul.  Needless to say he was devastated and divorced me.” 

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