Part 26 (Self-portrait)

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Freya's P.O.V.

"Freya! How long have you two been dating? Is a marriage proposal on the way?" A man kept asking.

"Okay, that's enough! Leave her alone!" Diana ranted and pulled me to the bakery, locking the door behind her... "Are you okay?"

"I guess."

"You guess? He hurt you?"

"No, it's just... exhausting. I'm not caught up for this."

"What he did was stupid. What was he thinking?! I mean, not only did he just make everybody invade your privacy. But did he even think about Marc still being out there?"

"I wasn't  thinking." Blake came from the back door. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah you better be!" Diana meddles.

"Hi, Diana. Give us a minute?" Blake asks and she leaves. "You okay?" He asks as he sits down in front of me.

"It's been a week and they're still here."

"They're not gonna go away."

"Why? God, it's not like I'm the first woman to be pregnant by a basketball player."

"Yeah but, you kind of came out of nowhere and they just want to know everything about you."

"What if Marc sees that photo? What where you thinking?"

"I'm sorry... I was too happy and excited I forgot about the danger out there."

"Why me? You can have anyone you want. You could've just easily ignored me."

"I know you think I'm some sort of asshole. But I take responsibility for my actions. And you because... you're just different."

"I'm not different than any other girl."

"Oh but you are... You want to run away from the spotlight, when others want to run to it. You cry more in a movie if the dog dies, Like Marley--"

"I hate that movie." It makes me cry so much.

"I know, but I like it because you curl up on me and cry your eyes out."

"You like to see me cry?"

"No, of course not. But scary movies don't work on you."

"It's always the same shit. They're so predictable. Hell, they're not even scary anymore."

"Hey, is that you?" Diana asks pointing at the small TV on Espn. 

When I look it was Blake at the Dodger's practice... batting. HOLY SHIT!! They were talking about what a good swing he has and that he was pretty good at it... God! Can he look more hot playing baseball?!! Of course I'm not about to tell him that, gotta maintain my cool. But I'll admit to myself, I'm hot for him right now...

"Oh, yeah. It was a quick practice... It's good exercise."

"Look at that, Frey. You like that?" I glare at her.

"I'm not impressed." I smirk, lying. "Can we go home now?" I look at Blake.

"Mm, want to take him to bed, huh?"

"Diana." I warn. "Don't."

"Whatever, get out of here lovebirds."


"So... That thing that Diana said--"

"No." I cut him off.

"Right... So, when can I see my painting?" He derails from the subject.

"Now. I'm all done, I was just waiting for the painting to dry." He follows me to the mini studio.

"Whoa! It's beautiful."

"Where you gonna put it?" I ask.

"Can't say. Confidential."

"Confidential? What are you C.I.A.?"

"Let's just say I have just the spot for it... How much do you want for it?"


"How much?"

"I'm not selling you the painting... It's a gift."

"Well, I want to buy it."

"Well, you're not going to... You letting me stay here is payment enough."

"Please, I am rotten with money."

"Oh 'kay here we go with the bullshit. Stop, that really pisses me off." I hate it when he acts all cocky. It's like he does it on purpose.

"Right, well. I'll see ya. Thanks, again." Why is he acting so weird?

"When your done doing whatever the hell it is you're going to do, can you come back? I think it's time we start thinking about names."

"Uh, yeah sure... Come here." He grabs my hand and starts leading me to a room.

"Where are we going?"

"Welcome to... the man cave."

"The man cave? You actually have one?" I really dislike rich people. "Of course you do... What the hell so you need three TVs for? Jesus Christ... Isn't there like a rule of no girls allowed?"

He chuckles. "That's kids stuff. The more girls the better, it more of a no wives or girlfriends allowed." I give him a death glare. "And that came out so wrong." He says between his teeth. "What I meant was--"

"Oh, I know exactly what you meant."

"You're not like that."

"For now you mean? I kind of understand why woman would hate this. I mean if Marc ever had one--"

"Marc..." he mentions his name, annoyed.

"I'm just saying, since I'm married to him and for some reason he had a man cave, I would be pissed."

"What is the deal with women and man caves."

"No woman wants to hear her man talking about some bimbo. I'm sure men don't want their women fantasizing about other men now, do they?"

"Do you fantasize about another guy?" I make his mind race... Works every time. "And speaking of Marc, when is the divorce gonna be final?"

"I already sent the paper, I just have to wait now."

I keep walking around the room examining everything, might be the only time I'm here anyway. He had some things on the walls except for the middle one.

"Cool! A pool table." I walk away.


"What?" I turn around. I smile as I see him centering the painting on the empty wall.

"Told you I had the perfect spot for it." I try to hide my smile but I can't. He then walks to me and cups my face, forcing me to look at him. "You're perfect."

"Nobody's perfect."

"You're perfect for me. You're everything I ever wanted." He kisses me... "Now how about we go start the whole name dilemma?"

"Sounds good."


Think Marc will find out about the photo?

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