Part 13 (Jealousy Strikes)

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Freya's P.O.V.

We all got to LA yesterday and tonight I'm on my way to Blake's to tell him the truth... The real truth, not Marc's. As I arrive to his house I ring the bell and he opens the door, he was buttoning his shirt. I couldn't help but think he was with some bitch.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you had company... I'll come back later." I turn around to leave but he stops me, grabbing my arm.

"Company? I'm just buttoning my shirt, babe." He pulls me inside and closes the door behind us. "I'm going to a get together, wanna come with?"

"I don't do crowds."

"It's just small friends."

"I actually came to tell you something very important."

"Good, you can tell me on the way. I have some news too." I takes me to his garage and opens the car door for me. I get in hoping maybe he'll listen to me now. But I don't think giving him the bad news while he's driving is a good idea. So I decide to wait till we get back to his house.


As expected he leaves me alone and goes to his friends. God, why did I have to come? Every guy is the same, why did I expect him to be different?

"Hi." A damn hot man says.

"Hi." I say a bit nervous.

"I'm Jordan."


"You here alone?"

"I guess so."

"You guess so?"

"My date bailed."

"Well his loss. Want a drink?"

"Oh I'm fine, thanks."

We hear a bunch of people laughing and we look to where they are... "Wanna get out of here?" He asks.

"Sure..." I felt uncomfortable there, especially with Blake ignoring me.


Blake's P.O.V.

I was hanging out with some friends at the party and we were joking around.

"Let's get out of here. Where's Cameron?" Tom asks.

"Trying to land that somking hot babe." Joshua jokes... When I turn around to see who it was I can't help but feel angry. Why is she talking to him?

"Twenty bucks she sleeps with him." Tom says.

"Twenty? Make it fifty... Just another desperate slut." I form a fist.

"She's not a slut!" I defend her angry.

"Geez dude, relax. It was a joke... What? You like her or something?" If only they knew...

"No! But why you gotta disrespect every woman you see?"

"Whatever, man. You coming or not?"

"No, I'm gonna stay for a little while."

"Ooh trying to hit Brynn again? You sly dog." Joshua pats my back.

I could care less about Brynn... Okay maybe I do a little. But there's not way I'm keeping Freya out of my sight. Jordan's my friend, I'd really hate to end the friendship for his stupidity. But then again he doesn't know who she is...

"Hey, where are the guys?" Brynn asks me.

"They left."

"I'm about to put Ford to sleep, wanna come?"

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